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How To Stay Motivated When Studying



Staying motivated can be one of the toughest things to do, especially when life keeps getting in the way. If you feel like you are constantly being kicked down and life is throwing you problems, then it can be incredibly hard to get your mindset back to a more positive outlook on life. You may want to get your motivation back for a variety of reasons, it might be relative to your career aspirations or a hobby that you have always wanted to pursue. Maybe you are finding it hard to retain a certain level of motivation to study for some stressful upcoming exams? Everyone struggles with staying motivated at some point in their lives, it is human nature, and it is important to remember that nobody is perfect. Motivation is like a rollercoaster, sometimes it will be right at the top, and sometimes it will drop all the way down again, it is essential to not beat yourself up about it.

Why Do You Want to be Motivated?

Firstly, it’s imperative that you decipher why you want to be motivated, and what you want motivation for. Having that drive to move forward with something in your life is a fantastic way to stay focused on your goals. Many people agree that having a goal to focus on can be incredibly beneficial to their mental health and can be a great distraction from the negative aspects of the world. Maybe you have certain habits that you would like to kick out and get rid of? Staying motivated when trying to change your old behavioral patterns is the key to success. It is no secret that you will more than likely come across a lot of challenges and obstacles when trying to work towards a goal. This can be incredibly demotivating and can knock your confidence quite a bit. At some points, it may feel like all of your hard work was for nothing. It is important to note that you should pick yourself back up as soon as possible and move forward. Nothing in life is ever perfect or straightforward, so don’t let a small hurdle ruin your chances of reaching your goals.

Set Goals

Depending on your desired goal, you may only need a short period of time to work towards and achieve it. Some goals may take a while, maybe a few months or even a year or so. Setting aside time to work towards your chosen goal and figuring out how long it would realistically take you to reach the goal is important to keep you driven and focused. Think of it as a challenge, you want to get this goal done within a certain time period so you will work hard to meet that deadline. It is important not to overwhelm yourself though and remember that it is perfectly okay to take breaks. You are not expected to be working towards this goal every single day of the week, 24/7. Deadlines can be motivating for some, but they can also cause a lot of distress for others. If your desired goal is for a hobby on the side, then you may not always have the time to work on it due to daily life and your career. 

Use Technology

Thanks to the rise of modern technology, you can now use apps on your cell phone to provide you with useful little reminders of tasks and daily affirmations. These apps allow you to enter in your goals or tasks and you can set a handy reminder for when you want to do them. Think of them as an alarm, most people use an alarm to wake up at the right time every morning. These trusty apps do just that but are a reminder to actually do a task. You can even set these apps to remind you at the same time every single day, or even on specific days. This is incredibly useful if you only have a select few days of the week that you can actually work towards a hobby or behavioral change outside of work.

Mindfulness is Important

Many people also recommend participating in yoga and other activities that practice the concept of mindfulness. An example of this is meditation, which is a proven way to relax and reduce stress, especially when done regularly and effectively. These activities can be fantastic when trying to stay focused as you practice the art of observing your mind, emotions, thoughts and your physical being. It is the perfect time to section off your day to focus on your individual goals and dreams. Think of it as fifteen minutes of bliss where you can focus entirely on what you want out of life and how the prospect truly makes you feel. When you come back down to reality, you will find yourself with a heightened sense of motivation and will feel much more driven to work towards the accomplishment of your individual goals. 

Yoga works similarly, but instead you are using your body to allow your mind to flow, and you are getting a great stretch in too. Not only does it support your motivation, but it also benefits your overall mental health and physical wellbeing. You are getting your body moving and your mind thinking at the same time, what could be better? A lot of people don’t realize that they are not actually practicing mindfulness throughout their daily life. Some days pass by quickly and you may feel as if you didn’t have any time to yourself that day. It is extremely easy to get caught up in the rush of daily life. The daily routine can be incredibly busy, and even your weekends may be packed full of activities such as cleaning the house and going out with friends and family. This is why it is important to section off times of your week where you can just sit by yourself and focus solely on your own body and mind, without the worries and stresses of daily life. 

Zero Distractions

When it comes to staying motivated in your career or studying, it can be tough. Studying a degree in any subject is difficult and will come with its own challenges. Maybe you’re studying to be a nurse on one of the RN to MSN bridge programs? The first thing you should do is get rid of anything that could be a distraction to you. Some examples of these are:

  • Cell phone
  • Video game consoles
  • Your TV

Many people enjoy listening to music or having some form of background noise when studying. It’s important that the background noise will not be distracting though, so make sure you don’t put something on that you are going to end up watching or dancing too. Cell phones are the most distracting device, especially if you have your notification sounds on. Either turn your cell phone off or put it on silent. Every notification sound or buzz of your cell phone will break your focus while trying to study for an upcoming exam. This is the same for working on homework and essays too, you don’t need any distractions around you when trying to produce the best work possible for your degree. 

Take Breaks

Ensuring that you take breaks is also imperative and will be beneficial in the long run. You may feel like you should just sit down and focus for hours on end, but that is not good for your mental health or your physical wellbeing. Getting up and going for a walk around the house, or even outside for some fresh air and sun, will be fantastic for your overall wellbeing. It’s not just breaks that are important but rewarding yourself too. After a full day of studying, take yourself out for a nice meal or visit your favorite café for a toasty coffee or refreshing milkshake.

Make a Study Space

Once you get the ball rolling, you will find it much easier to get a regular studying schedule going. Starting anything can be tough and hard to find motivation for, but you will soon find your motivation growing as you progress through the study material. It’s also vital that you choose a study area that is comfy and familiar. Whether you like to study at a local library, or at home, finding a spot that you can call a comfortable space is key. Even sitting in bed with a blanket can be the best studying place, as long as you have enough room for a laptop and writing material, you will thrive in the comfort of your own bedroom and private space to focus. Other people can be a huge distraction when trying to focus on something, so make sure you select a place in your home that can be your own.

Making Progress?

Setting realistic goals and noting down any progress that you make is an important part of boosting motivation. If you can see the progress you are making, you are more likely to be motivated to carry on working hard. For example, people who work out get a huge boost of motivation when they can see that their work out regimes are actually producing results within their body. It works the same with activities such as studying or kicking an old habit. Perhaps you want to quit smoking, but it is proving more difficult than you originally thought? Making a note of every little step of progress is a great way to stay focused, and can be incredibly useful when reflecting on your week or month. If you find yourself having a tough month, look back on your progress notes to remind yourself that you can do it, because you are living proof of that. 

Exercise is Key

Staying active is also a great form of motivation, even if exercise isn’t your main goal. Going out for a short walk daily or making sure you get to the gym a couple of times a week can make a huge world of difference to your overall wellbeing, mentally and physically. Getting your heart pumping and your body moving will improve your physical state, especially if you have been feeling the strain on your muscles and posture. Imagine your back is incredibly stiff and sore at the moment, the last thing you are going to want to do is be hunched over on your laptop writing notes. Getting your daily stretches in and physical activity will help your body feel so much better, thus making your mental state feel better. It is also scientifically proven that staying active boosts your serotonin and dopamine levels, which in turn improves your focus. Eventually leading to a higher level of concentration and motivation towards your work.

Additional Support

Lastly, make sure you are getting the support you need from your tutors, family and friends. Ensuring that you are surrounded by people who can boost your mood and offer you support whenever you need it, is incredibly important. Having people around you who believe in you and will stand by is vital for your mental health and can be a great boost to motivation. Having a loved one (whether it is a family member or a friend) tell you that you can do whatever you want in life, can be one of the best feelings ever. If you do find yourself struggling with motivation overall, reach out to a family member or a friend and tell them exactly how you are feeling, remember that you are not alone. 

Everyone knows that staying motivated can be a challenge. There will be times when you want to give up, and times where you will feel on top of the world. Motivation is what drives people to work towards the goals and what they want to get out of life. Without motivation, nobody would get anything done. There is a wide variety of ways to motivate yourself, and it is important to find the one that works for you. You may not have the spare time to work out or go to the gym, and that is okay. Finding the best option for you is key to focusing on what you want to work towards.

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