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‘Here’s the Deal’ an Open & Honest Portrayal from Kellyanne Conway



Former Special Counsel to Donald Trump Chronicles Her Life’s Story in New Book

Jeff Walker, Entertainment Writer

When you’ve enjoyed a colorful and an illustrious career as much as Kellyanne Conway and been behind the scenes in the Oval Office it takes nearly 500 pages to tell your life’s story. The noted American political consultant and pollster, who served as Senior Counselor to President Donald Trump shares a lifetime of memories in her first ever autobiography appropriately titled ‘Here’s The Deal: A Memoir’.

From her humble beginnings in small town Atco, New Jersey Conway pursued a calling that took her all the way to hallowed halls of the White House. Along her 55-year journey there have been several glass ceilings to shatter, but the self-assured, well spoken, conservative entrepreneurial businesswoman never met a challenge or a brash man she didn’t take head on.

Raised by strong Irish and Italian catholic women during the late 60’s and 70’s in southern New Jersey, Conway’s surroundings and upbringing should have easily steered her toward more liberal philosophies. In ‘Here’s The Deal’ Conway who was raised by a single mom and surrounded by plenty of female role models admits politics was never discussed, with lifestyles and family values lived out every day.

Covering 487 pages ‘Here’s The Deal’ is perhaps one of the most comprehensive accounts from anyone who has survived the political circus called Washington DC as well as having been tested in the fire after becoming the first woman to run a successful presidential campaign. While there have been several road bumps along the way, Conway makes no excuses for her sacrifices and devotion to America.

Outspoken and not afraid to speak her mind Conway traces her early roots to her finding her footing in our nation’s capital after graduating from Trinity Washington University in DC. Although she was proud to see Geraldine Ferraro on the 1984 democratic ticket, Conway confesses Ronald Reagan’s recovery plan for America won her over.

An aspiring legal mind she traded law for becoming a much sought-after pollster, discovering with TV exposure came increased business and oddly DC street credibility. Whether by divine intervention or destiny Conway details how she came along just as the cable news channels were emerging, gaining traction during the Bill Clinton administration.

Along the way she developed relationships with rising Fox, CNN and MSNBC personalities as well as pundits and politicians on both sides of the aisle. ‘Here’s The Deal’ may be a healthy read, but for those seeking detailed information on what happens behind closed doors in DC, Conway’s book is eye opening.

For more than three decades she’s had her pulse on the inner workings of Washington politics, often doing battle with opposing players, yet never compromising her positions. By all accounts Kellyanne Conway has and always will be a straight shooter, focused less on red tape and BS, leaning more towards factual information.

Midway through her book she begins to unpeel the onion that would eventually become the spin orbiting republican presidential nominee Donald Trump. Chapter 20 ‘Men Behaving Badly’ is particularly amusing with Conway calling out the likes of White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus and Steve Bannon who she equates to ‘all talk and no action’. No doubt the reason the unkempt boisterous political strategist was among the first to exit the Trump administration.

Chapters 23 and 24 hit home especially for moms. Conway had no problem confronting the nutjobs and critics attacking her, especially those who hide behind social media. However, as a mother she was careful to shield and protect her children from the media mob, especially when her oldest daughter became an overnight Tik Tok sensation.

When you take on the role as Senior Counselor to arguably the most admired and hated President in the modern era there will always be backlash. A Trump supporter from day one Conway was admired for speaking frank and never shied away from offering up her opinion whether she thought the president over-tweeted or coming to the defense of his daughter Ivanka’s clothing line.

The pages covering ‘House Divided’ are especially endearing with Conway touching on two fronts. The first after the 2018 midterms when democrats and Nancy Pelosi regained congress which in turn lead to an advanced ‘Impeach Trump’ agenda. The second on a more personal level dealing with her husband George’s love affair with Twitter, using the social media platform to continually berate her boss. Safe to say it made family time it bit more stressful.

Collusion, Russia, Supreme Court nominees, Ukraine, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden, Dr. Fauci and the fall-out from COVID 19 all receive considerable mention in her book. ‘Here’s the Deal’ is not a tell all, nor is it a retaliatory attack on her detractors. Instead, it’s an open and honest portrayal, ripe with touching and often humorous vignettes including 18 pages of intimate family photos.

Kellyanne Conway chronicles her life’s story leaving nothing to the imagination. Hers is not a story of survival because she’s never been down and out, rather ‘Here’s the Deal: A Memoir’ represents a self-driven and outspoken woman rising to the top in a male oriented political field, garnering respect and an ounce of fear along the way. All on her own terms. History and political science majors will find it quite fascinating.

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