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‘Battle For the American Mind’ Questions Country’s Education System



Pete Hegseth & David Goodwin Chronicle Century of Progressive Indoctrination

Jeff Walker, Book Review

‘Battle For the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation’ is a literal gut punch to America’s scholastic system. While it didn’t happen overnight Fox News personality Pete Hegseth and co-author David Goodwin outline in their latest release how our nation’s schools have failed our children, often using left wing ideology to turn kids into ‘haters of America’.

Whether he’s chronicling American history, profiling the military, or extolling patriotism Hegseth makes no excuses for his frankness, with his latest book a stark and revealing account of how far progressives have gone to undermine America’s educational system.

Along with Goodwin, the overly concerned co-authors offer up 250 pages of startling revelations that began more than a century ago. While the pair have taken different career paths, Hegseth an Ivy League athlete and military veteran turned cable news contributor and Goodwin a state (Idaho) schooled businessman, the two unite in their decisiveness that liberal minded reformists have done all they can to erode our country’s academic institutions.

The co-authors agree during some 16K hours of formal education from kindergarten through 12th grade America’s youth are subject to an ideology whether temporal or Christian, overtly or covertly that frames each child prior to adulthood. They further suggest whether children are taught in secular, private, or religious based schools they will be introduced to beliefs meant to indoctrinate rather than educate.

The main theme running through ‘Battle For the American Mind’ is the differing concepts of paideia, with platonic versions more a mainstream Greek ideology closely related to social progress brought about by the dynamics of enlightenment and self-fulfillment. On the other end of the spectrum Christian paideia stems from a faith based education established through Biblical revelation.

Hegseth and Goodwin profess the so-called movement prevalent on college campuses for decades has really been a more subtle war on elementary age students to gradually brainwash them in regard to racial inequality as well as gender and sexual orientation. The authors don’t disavow these societal pressures exist, but assert parents should instruct their kids on certain issues, and educators should stick to more to the basics i.e. reading, writing, and arithmetic.

Although the transformation was slow moving both concur over decades liberals and educators with free-thinking philosophies have slowly integrated schools using the classroom to re-educate students and introduce lifestyles that go counter to God’s ultimate plan. ‘Battle For the American Mind’ iterates that when God and classical Christian values were removed from the classroom the educational system in this country quite simply began to go to hell!

Echoing Hegseth’s recent comment on Fox News, ‘Hemingway once said it happens gradually and then suddenly’. From the politically run NEA (National Education Association) to more recent Common Core initiative the book submits progressive have always been writing the script for quite some time. While it was elusive at the onset, the book further allows in recent years it has become more prominent with the inclusion of Critical Race Theory and the 1619 Project.

‘Battle For the American Mind: Uprooting a Century of Miseducation’ is an easy yet disturbing read especially for parents and grandparents. Broken down in three areas, the book focuses on the modern-day war on education, the breakdown throughout history, and lastly the book offers solutions to the education epidemic, providing parents a way back, but not without action. The two suggest a return to classical Christian education is a start.

Whether or not you have children or grandchildren in school Pete Hegseth and David Goodwin’s latest offering is a real eye opener. If you adhere to Judaic-Christian values this new book will present as an educational revelation.

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