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4 Lactose Alternatives You Need to Try



Do you suffer from lactose intolerance or are you trying to cut down on lactose altogether?

There are many great lactose alternatives you can get that bring you the health benefits that you’ll find with the nutrient. These are delicious alternatives that’ll help you transition away from lactose while still maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

This quick guide will show you a few dairy-free options that’ll help you if you’re lactose intolerant or just wish to cut down on lactose altogether.

Here’s what you need to know:

  1. Oat Milk

Once you try oat milk you’ll soon find out that you can enjoy delicious milk without needing lactose at all. Oat milk such as Dunkin oat milk offers more protein than traditional lactose alternatives such as soy milk.

It’s a dairy-free product and works great for drinking as is or mixing with cereal, coffee, or tea.

  1. Almond Milk

This is another type of milk that offers a great source of protein and is especially great for building muscle. These are also great sources of Vitamin D and Vitamin E.

It works well for losing weight and has many anti-inflammatory properties. It has very little sugar content and is great for drinking before or after a workout.

Almond milk is often mixed with other fruits such as bananas to add extra protein.

  1. Coconut Milk

This is a great option if you like the texture of cow’s milk as it’s rather similar and contains high fat content.

It’s higher in the calorie range, with about 74 calories per cup. However, its protein content is much lower at an average of 1 gram per cup. Coconut milk is a great option to mix in with coffee or tea.

Coconut milk has an acquired taste. While some might enjoy drinking it as is, many others might want to mix it with a fruit of their choice to improve the taste.

  1. Rice Milk

If you wish to have a sweeter alternative to the previous options then you’ll want to try rice milk. This is one of the most popular alternatives for anyone who is lactose intolerant.

It has a high carb count so it works well if you’re trying to put on weight or bulk up when building muscle. As a result, you want to cut down on rice milk if you don’t want to gain too much weight.

If you’re drinking rice milk, it’s best not to mix it with other dairy-free options on this list. This can cause excessive protein intake and might make you feel a bit ill.

Find Your Lactose Alternatives

Now that you know the different lactose alternatives you can determine which is the best option for your needs.

Oat milk is the best option that offers the best taste and a high source of protein. Almond milk is a great runner up and works well for becoming leaner.

Coconut milk is great for transitioning away from cow’s milk but doesn’t carry much protein. Rice milk is the sweetest and works well for building muscle and gaining weight.

You can find more health tips on our blog.

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