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SC Whitmore School Announces 2021-2022 Student of the Year



Press Release

Congratulations Kiersten Boulden, a recent graduate from Port Royal, SC. Kiersten is the SC Whitmore School 2021 – 2022 Student of the Year. She just completed her second and final year at SC Whitmore School (SCWS). Kiersten has been a phenomenal student during her time at SCWS.

Kiersten chose to enroll at the SC Whitmore School during the COVID-19 pandemic because of the flexibility and the opportunity to graduate early.

“Two years ago, when the schools started closing and becoming virtual because of COVID, my parents and I started to look for schools that specialized in online learning,” said Kiersten. “My mom Kimberley found SC Whitmore School and it turned out to be the best decision ever! I loved the way I was able to be in control of my school work and have the freedom to set higher goals for myself.”

Kiersten has really enjoyed her experience at SCWS. She said the teachers have always been engaging and helped to motivate her to be a better student by scheduling meetings and responding quickly when she needed help. SCWS has helped Kiersten learn how to manage her time by balancing her school work, job schedule, and downtime.

“I loved being a student at SC Whitmore School,” said Kiersten. “I had the freedom to make my own schedule for the day and get as far ahead with my classes as I wanted to.”

Mrs. Redfearn, Kiersten’s math teacher, saw how hard she worked at SC Whitmore School.

“Kiersten has shown exemplary work in all of her courses, earning A’s along the way,” said Redfearn. “Her attitude encompasses compassion, a love of learning, and excitement as she learns. For example, when we met to go over some questions, she was always positive and upbeat. She energized me with her enthusiasm for learning!” said Redfearn.

One challenge Kiersten faced was time management. Since she had a flexible schedule, it was easy for her to spend a lot of time on one class or spend too much time away from her school work.

“I would find myself rushing to try to finish my coursework for the day,” said Kiersten. “I was able to overcome this by making a routine for myself every day and setting small goals like I will finish all of my assignments that are due for the day, then I will work to get ahead.”

Her School Counselor, Mr. Disbrow also saw how hard Kiersten worked in high school.

“She is a wonderful student,” said Disbrow. Not only did she graduate early, she works with her dad on side projects and wants to become an architect in the future. She attends many of our school events and is the most ‘present’ student I’ve had in my time here. In my many interactions with her, she’s always positive and smiling and looking toward her vibrant future. I can’t speak highly enough of Kiersten and I’ll miss her. ”

Kiersten plans to attend the University of South Carolina Beaufort in the future.

“I am thinking about being a civil engineer or an architect after I graduate from college. I love learning how things work and doing creative projects.”

In her free time, Kiersten also loves cooking, working out with her dad, refinishing furniture, and hanging out with friends.

“My advice to new students coming to SC Whitmore School is to reach out to their teachers when they need help and to do more than what is expected,” said Kiersten. By doing more than was just required, I was able to not only graduate early but also graduate as Salutatorian. By doing more than what was expected, I was able to really understand my coursework and feel more confident about applying what I learned to the next level in college and in my later career.”

Kiersten would like to thank her family, teachers, and school counselors for their support over the years. She said, “Thank you all for being so kind, motivating, and helpful these past two years. I feel grateful for it and it really means a lot to me!”

Kiersten, we are very proud of your accomplishments! We look forward to your future success!

If you are interested in learning more about the SC Whitmore School, please visit us online at

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