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Commentary: WREN Stands with Thousands in Push Against Abortion Ban



By: The Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network

Thousands of South Carolinians have continued to push back against an abortion ban that threatens reproductive rights and bodily autonomy. Tuesday, over 150 of those advocates stood with the Women’s Right and Empowerment Network (WREN) at the Statehouse to raise their voices against the ban.  

“The advocates who showed up today represent the majority of South Carolinians, who oppose cruel and dangerous abortion bans that will make us less safe, healthy, and free,” said Ann Warner, Chief Executive Officer of WREN. “We are outraged by these relentless attacks, and we will keep showing up and getting louder until South Carolina legislators abandon their attempts to take away our fundamental rights and freedoms.”

The South Carolina House of Representatives has put together a special Ad Hoc Committee to consider new legislation related to the Supreme Court’s decision on abortion. On July 19th, the committee met for the second time to discuss new abortion legislation. During its first meeting on July 7th, hundreds of people waited for hours in 100-degree weather to be heard and dozens were not able to testify.

During the July 19th meeting, the committee introduced bill language for House bill 5399 based on what they heard via testimony.

Around 150 people from across the state joined WREN at the Statehouse Tuesday to let their voices be heard outside while the Ad Hoc committee held a meeting. People against the ban held signs and use their voices to chant and speak against the abortion ban.

Deborah Billings, a public health professional, came to the protest to support the push against the abortion ban. She said she has been speaking out on this issue for decades.

“I’m here because it is obvious that our so-called representatives are not representing us,” she said. “They are not hearing us, they are not listening to us, and they are not paying attention to us. If they were doing any of those things, they would understand the full impact of the ban.”

About WREN:  

The Women’s Rights and Empowerment Network (WREN) is a South Carolina nonprofit, non-partisan network that is building a movement to advance the health, economic well-being, and rights of South Carolina’s women, girls, and their families. WREN provides a strong, collective voice for South Carolina’s women, girls, and gender expansive people.  Learn more at   

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