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Rep. Mace Comments on Right To Try Clarification Act from Rep. Blumenauer and Senators Paul and Booker



Rep. Nancy Mace released the following statement on the Right to Try Clarification Act, which was introduced by Rep. Earl Blumenauer (D-OR-03) in the house and Senators Rand Paul (R-KY) and Cory Booker (D-NJ) in the Senate:

“Advances in science and technology are often made when we think outside the box and try new things. This legislation gives patients the power to choose alternative options when receiving end-of-life care once other treatments have been exhausted. We know these therapies have the potential to bring relief to those battling terminal illness, and today is an important step forward in medical freedom. I want to thank Senators Booker and Paul for their bipartisan leadership to bring these exciting new options into the mainstream.”

Rep. Blumenauer also shared his thoughts on the legislation:

“Oregon has a long legacy of ensuring that end-of-life patients have access to the full spectrum of treatment options to alleviate their condition and improve their quality of life. Patients and doctors deserve to discuss treatments—including psilocybin—that researchers find provide immediate and sustained relief from pain, anxiety, and depression for people battling terminal illness. Federal restrictions have obstructed access to end-of-life care for too long, this legislation will change that and ensure that all patients have the Right to Try. I appreciate Senator Booker’s leadership, it is timely and important.”

Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA 46) also shared his comments on the bill:

“The FDA is tagging psilocybin and MDMA as ‘breakthrough therapies’ for the treatment of many chronic illnesses, both physical and mental. When taken responsibly, these drugs have been proven to significantly increase quality of life among patients –especially for those with few to no options. I have long vocalized my support for studying psilocybin and MDMA as treatment for veterans, and I believe they can also be benefit other chronically ill patients as well. I am proud to announce my support for the introduction of this bill, as I believe it will allow for the advancement of medicine, treatment, and associated therapies.”


The federal Right to Try law removes the FDA out of doctor-patient decisions and reverts regulation back to the states. Under the terms of the federal Right to Try law, states remain free to permit or prohibit Right to Try use under their own laws. To date, 41 states have passed their own Right to Try laws.

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