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How to Interest Recruiters and Get a Job of Your Dreams



A resume alone may not be enough for a quick and effective job search. To get as many interview invitations as possible, you need to surprise the employer with your experience and skills. Write a cover letter. It is an explanatory or supplementary letter that the applicant attaches to the package of documents when responding to a particular vacancy. It helps attract attention and enter into a dialogue with employers before they see your resume.

The Ultimate Guide to Writing a Cover Letter

The job search lasts for half a year… Your emails are full of spam, and there is no response to your resume. Maybe you should think about why this happens. Do you write cover letters for resumes? If not, then there is bad news for you. A cover letter is a critical component that can “sell” you to an employer. Writing cover letters but still not getting a response? Maybe you did it wrong!

A candidate for a position is noticed by a cover letter. It’s like a summary – additional information on your merits, facts, dates, and skills. Typically, recruiters spend 3-4 seconds on each email. It is skipped if the letter doesn’t interest them during this time.

What emails go straight to the trash?

  • Huge sheets with a detailed chronicle of your whole life. You shouldn’t look like a narcissist.
  • Humor letters and informal letters. Don’t confuse a cover letter with a competition for participation in a humor festival. Cover letters are subject to all the rules of official business correspondence.
  • Letters with too much pathos. Don’t do your employer a favor. In this situation, both parties are equally interested in cooperation. The main thing is to find the line where bragging and pathos begin and don’t go beyond it. Be a confident, strong, and optimistic applicant with plans and initiatives.
  • Letters with the phrases “I want to bring more creativity into my life” or “I have been sitting at home for three years, now I want to change everything.” How do employers read it? This is a candidate who wants to change their life. But this is not included in the plans of employers! They need a specialist.

If you haven’t had work experience for a long time, tell them about the qualities of your character. For example, tell how you managed to organize your wedding for 100 people. Hobbies can also be a useful skill for a new job. The main condition is to be honest and don’t exaggerate. Honest and hardworking people are sometimes more valuable and promising employees than experienced specialists.

  • Letters with your conditions. “I am ready to work for you from Monday. My rate is $10 thousand per month. I work from 10 am to 5 pm. After 8 pm, I don’t pick up the phone.” No, no, no! Do you have a measured life and a strict schedule? Employers have it too. Why do they need to fit in with you? You can discuss all the working conditions with employers after you interest them. Employers have already “sold” themselves by writing an attractive job posting. Now it’s your turn to present your candidacy without conditions.
  • Letters indicate errors in the vacancy, on the site, the wrong approach to business, etc. If you notice something wrong with a vacancy offer, you can write like this: “I analyzed your site and noticed several shortcomings. I can fix them in 2 days, and this work will increase site traffic. Regardless of your decision on my candidacy, I am glad to share my comments. Just contact me.”
  • Letters from inattentive candidates. Read the job posting slowly. When copywriters write, “I love talking to people,” recruiters will likely just close the letter. Why do recruiters need to know about your communication skills if a copywriter’s job is to write texts? “I like to work with text. I am assiduous and pedantic. I read a lot. In my free time, I meet with friends and visit acting classes”. Here is the correct interpretation and not vice versa.


How to write a good cover letter?

  1. Greet the recruiter and introduce yourself. “Good afternoon! My name is (…), and I am applying for the position of (…).
  2. Tell a recruiter what attracts you to a vacancy. It may be the opportunity to realize some of your skills and goals, exciting tasks, or that you already had similar work experience. But never mention the “location near the house” and “high wages” as the main criteria for choosing this vacancy. By the way, you can always turn to the LinkedIn profile service if nothing comes out, or you can’t beautifully explain why you need this job. Experts will help you with writing a resume and a cover letter.
  3. Think about why the employer may be interested in you as a candidate. Tell briefly about your skills, experience, and qualities of character. This description should resonate with the resume, but don’t retell it. You have to suit the requirements the recruiter indicated in the vacancy.
  4. Inform that you are always in touch and indicate all your contacts. Yes, you should always be in touch, not from 10 am to 8 pm!
  5. Attach your portfolio to a cover letter. If you have a portfolio, please attach a link to view it. But don’t overdo it. No one wants to download 3 GB of your portfolio, even if you are a cool designer and photographer. So, show only the best of your works.

To Sum Up

The purpose of a cover letter is to show your value to the company and your interest. It should briefly indicate your education and relevant experience. Write why you want to join this company, this particular vacancy, and what attracted you to it. You should structure the letter well and make it readable. A well-written cover letter is such a powerful tool. You have to draw up the letter individually for each company and each specific position. It allows you to attract the attention of employers and find contact with them.

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