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5 Ways How To Help a Friend Going Through a Divorce



Getting divorced is never easy. Both physically and psychologically. A divorcee needs support not only from experts but close friends and relatives. If your dear friend is going through a marriage termination, don’t stand aside but help them overcome relationship hurdles with minimum trouble. Here are the best ways to give a hand of help to your soon-to-be-divorced friend.

1. Listen Better than Talk

It doesn’t matter whether they are going through a Michigan divorce online or dealing with the case in court, marriage termination is expected to have a strong effect on your friend. And your task is to be there for them to support and listen them out.

Remember that silent support is much better than much talking and advising. Check out the key points for you to follow:

  • Don’t give unnecessary advice. Even if you are a divorcee, too, understand that every case is different and strategies that worked for you might be of no help to your friend.
  • Don’t ask or state that everything is ok. Your friend’s life has changed drastically and they need time to adjust so they feel everything but normal.
  • Don’t force your friend into details on their divorce not to bring extra pain or make them irritated and angry.
  • Don’t reveal any details on your friend’s divorce to your friends or relatives. Your divorced friend already feels betrayed. They won’t manage one more mischief.

Instead, give your friend time and the possibility to digest everything and talk it out to you. They will feel relieved and supported even only with you being by their side, hugging, granting your love.

2. Help with Rearrangements

If you are at a loss of how to support a friend going through a divorce, ask them directly or come with the offerings on divorce-related rearrangements. When a person ends their marriage they may have to bother about:

  • a new place for a living;
  • better qualifications or career changes;
  • new ideas for leisure without former beloved;
  • much divorce-related paperwork;
  • and so on.

If you come up with assistance on these or any other divorce-related rearrangements, your friend will be able to go back to routine life easier and pay more time and care to themselves.

3. Bother about Kids

People take divorce differently, but a sure reaction is an emotional one, coupled with anger, devastation, guilt, offense, and many more. Divorcees sometimes get overconcentrated on their feelings and emotions and skip what is truly important.

If you wish to help with the best advice for someone going through a divorce, remind your friends about top priorities in their lives. For fathers and mothers, the most important concerns are connected with their kids. It is also great if you can care about their children. Children are more vulnerable to their families falling apart, so you will do a great deed if you spend quality time with their children.

4. Remind about Self-care

Being busy with routine tasks, career improvements, nurturing children, organizing divorce procedures, you friends-divorcees hardly find time for themselves. So it is you either to remind them or care about your friends on your own. Review the helpful things you can do:

  • feed your friend with homemade and healthy food;
  • take them to the gym;
  • organize a spa day
  • take your friend out to socialize and relax;
  • offer active and healthy leisure.

This way you will guarantee that your friend won’t burn out during a divorce. Also, get ensured that they don’t opt for self-isolation and other depressive states that may lead to personal physical and psychological deterioration. Your task as a good friend is to prevent similar negative outcomes.

5. Encourage and Support

Divorce often makes people feel numb, miserable, devastated. They surely need a source of inspiration and encouragement. You can organize something similar for your friend. This means you have to back them up with kind words, by showing your love, only being present in challenging moments. Create little reasons for your friend to be happy, to taste life, to implement their desires, and become happy again.


Once you get to know that your friend is going through a divorce, try to support and be by their side when necessary. But don’t be intrusive and add extra troubles and disappointments to their life. Weigh carefully what to say to someone going through a divorce, how to inspire them after such devastation and how to make their transfer to a post-divorce balance easier and smoother.

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