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How to know your elderly parents are safe when you are away



When you are a caregiver to your elderly parents it can be seriously stressful. This can be added to if you are long-distance or manage to escape for a holiday. You will never be able to relax as you are worried about your parents. This can make spending anytime away from them a difficult and arduous process. When you are struggling to cope with this pressure then you can seek out some advice. If you don’t know where to start, here is a little advice for you to begin.

Medical alert systems

These are really useful pieces of equipment. A medical device system can contact you and the emergency services if your parents experience a seizure, heart failure, or a fall. More importantly, they can ensure that someone goes to their aid when they need it. You can rest easy knowing that you are still in the loop but also that your parents will be safe. These can be expensive but are definitely a worthwhile invention. It will give you and your parents a little bit more independence.

Explore the idea of different arrangements

When your parent’s health requires a little more attention than you are able to give then you need to know that they are safe. When you cannot be near your parents and they need a lot of od support, you can seek out senior living communities that will look out for your parents when you are unable to. Some even put on activities and programs to help your parents get through the day without feeling like a burden.

Plan for an emergency

If your loved one has an accident, and you are unable to be there or be near the vicinity then you should establish a plan so that your parents are looked after. Set up a support system of friends and family who will be able to go to their side as well as just check in on them while you are away. Make sure to keep a list of contact details for people who you can contact in an emergency. As well as this, you should make sure to have agreed-upon roles so everyone knows what they are doing.

Stay in communication

You should have regular contact with your parents, not only to catch up but to check in on any updates on their health. Try and schedule your meet-ups to coincide with their medical health check-ups. If you can then you should even, try and get a video chat or phone call with their doctor who can keep you in the loop with how they are getting on. This will ensure everyone is on the same page when it comes to your parent’s health.

Looking after your parents from a distance

It is a challenge to look after your parents when you are nearby, never mind when you are at a distance but it is not impossible. Don’t be afraid to seek help, people can help you manage and make sure your parents are looked after.

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