Baker & Brewer to Create Limited-Edition Beer for Breast Cancer Awareness Month
Baker & Brewer (B&B) today announced its upcoming partnership with Share Our Suzy (SOS) Lowcountry, a local nonprofit, for October’s Breast Cancer Awareness Month. B&B will be releasing a limited-edition brew called Life Savers beginning on October 1st, with a portion of the proceeds being donated to the organization at the end of the month.
SOS Lowcountry’s goal is to allow patients to focus solely on recovery and not the financial stress brought on by this very difficult battle.
“The people we serve are more than just patients: they are mothers, grandmothers, sisters, and daughters,” SOS Lowcountry said in a statement. “They have children, spouses, and responsibilities. Fighting cancer is about more than having chemo and radiation treatments. It affects all aspects of life.”
More details on the release of Life Savers at B&B are forthcoming – stay tuned at or on social media at @bakerandbrewer.