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6 Ways You Can Enhance Your Working Environment In London



If you’re looking for ways to make your working environment in London more comfortable and productive, this post provides a few ideas that can help. After all, the average person spends a third of their life at work, so why not create a more comfortable and ambient workspace where everyone benefits?

1. Add plants

A well-placed plant brings freshness, colour, and vibrancy to a room. Choose a few lush green plants that thrive indoors and need little care – then place them where they’re easily seen and get sufficient light.

An office environment with greenery makes it feel more homely and relaxed. Peace Lily, Dracaena, Philodendrons, and Aglaonema are a few suitable workplace plants for the workplace.

2. Create a workplace flow

Arrange the desk so that you face the room and can easily access it without struggling past clutter or obstacles. In addition, situate the desk so you aren’t overlooked – especially if you need personal space to do your best work.

If you’ve experience with Feng Shui, follow the principles of creating flow in the room. You may be pleasantly surprised at the difference furniture repositioning makes to your sense of well-being, and how it contributes to productivity.

3. Chill-out features

Sitting at a desk for eight hours can be exhausting. Find a London office where you can arrange a few fun features for when you want to relax. For example, add comfortable sofas, a pool table, kitchen area, and bean bags. A communal area helps connect people when taking a break from working.

4. A few personal touches

One or two home-from-home items bring warmth to the office environment. You may choose photographs of your loved ones or pets. If you’re having a challenging day, these personal items close by may help you relax – also remind you that your life isn’t all about work.

Eliminate clutter

Clutter in the workplace can slow down productivity. Some people find it stressful to have piles of paperwork or items cluttering office space. Set up an efficient filing system, so you only have priority work in progress on your desk. You’ll quickly notice how much more clear-headed you feel and how much more work you can get done.

6. Background music

Whether to have background music or not depends on if you work alone or with co-workers. Music choices are personal to everyone. While one person might enjoy relaxing ambient piano music, another could prefer modern music or rock – and others prefer to work in silence.

Discuss with the team for a decision that works for everyone. If nobody agrees about the choice of music, there’s always the option of wearing headphones, if appropriate.


Making a few tweaks to your working environment can make your working day more relaxing and enjoyable. Decide which of these six ways you like best to enhance your working environment in London. Do whatever works best for you so that being at work feels more relaxing and enjoyable.

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