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South Carolina-Based Women’s PAC Makes Inaugural Endorsements/Contributions



WINS (Women in the New South), a political action committee formed in 2021 to support pro-choice Democratic women running for state and local office in South Carolina, today announced that in their first year, almost $10,000 was awarded to female candidates running for the South Carolina Statehouse.

With less than 18 percent of the Statehouse comprised of female legislators – and even lower percentages of women making up the 46 County Councils in South Carolina, WINS was founded as a state-based political action committee with the goal of providing needed resources to women candidates. According to Chris deVries, Chair of the Board of Trustees of WINS, “Too often the inability to fund a viable campaign creates barriers for talented women to seek public office, however, when we pool our resources, as women, we become a force for progressive change.”

Many states have political action committees focused on progressive women candidates, but there was a void in South Carolina. WINS was founded by women with years of experience in the political, nonprofit, and business sectors as a political action committee solely focused on raising funds to support women running for state office. WINS is the only organization in South Carolina with this mission.

WINS sought to endorse and support candidates in 2022 that were in competitive races with winnable seats who identified themselves as pro-choice. With the Dobbs decision and the repeated attempts to ban abortion in South Carolina, the mission of WINS to elect pro-choice women has become even more critical. As an organization, our goal is to provide substantial financial contributions as allowed under the law.

“With over 100 individual contributions to the WINS PAC in this election cycle, it demonstrates strength in numbers”, explained Chris deVries. “100 percent of the funds raised by WINS were used for candidate contributions.”  Each endorsed candidate was provided with a WINS-Endorsed logo in addition to a financial contribution.

WINS 2022 Endorsed Candidates

Katie Crosby (District 44)

Ashlyn Preaux (District 61)

Rep. Kim Johnson (District 64)

Heather Bauer (District 75)

Donna Brown Newton (District 80)

Sydney Clinton (District 98)

Michelle Brandt (District 114)

Rep. Spencer Wetmore (District 115)

Rep. Chardale Murray (District 116)

Rep. Krystle Matthews (District 117)

Rep. Barb Nash (District 124)

You can learn more about WINS on their website:

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