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How to Write a Great Essay and Enjoy the Process



As a student, essay writing is instrumental to your learning journey. If you’re like most scholars, the mention of the word only brings a feeling of boredom, misery, and pain. It’s uncommon for the word “fun” to be used when describing this vital task.

The reasons differ among many scholars, too. It could be the thought of several hours of research you’d have to put in, which is familiar to all of us. Perhaps, writing is not your thing, and you prefer dealing with numbers, or you are a sports enthusiast. The common truth is that to graduate, writing an essay will have to be done at one point in your educational journey.

So, now that you understand there’s no escaping this, what can you do to make it fun? After all, anything can be adjusted to insert a bit of entertainment. This article will focus on this and help you write a good essay and have fun at it.

Is It Possible to have Fun while Writing a Good Essay?

Yes, it is true. You can combine doing this and infusing it into your brain. If you’re like many students who feel it is a tedious task, thousands of students have gone through other methods, using professional cheap essay writers to get them assistance in little to no time. It is an excellent alternative with proven results as they have over 10 years of experience in curating outstanding essays and have a confidential mode. Hence, you stay anonymous when handing in your task. Whatever the task is, there is an expert writer that can take care of it for you.

Hacks to Make Writing Excellent Essays Fun

Whatever your reason for bringing you to this post, there is a solution. We understand some people love writing, but the idea of researching is disturbing. These hacks were drawn from some of our expert writers who have years under their belts on how they made writing good essays entertaining.

Generate a Positive Mindset

Everything begins with your brain. Whatever task you’re about to do needs a positive attitude if you will do it well. For instance, you may not have a great time at the cinema if you feel the movie won’t be great. This also applies to essay writing.

Just because you had a tough time doing a literature review in your former year does not mean it should become a norm. Give your mind a chance to reset that thought. You could try to motivate yourself by breaking down the task into small, tiny sections. Put them in a list and tick them as you complete each one. Mentally, you’re making progress and will be triggered to complete it joyfully.

Bring Fun when about to Research a Topic

The first and most crucial step to writing a good essay is research. Hence, it could be challenging when your professor brings up a challenging topic, but you must still write about it. If the subject matter is on a tough analysis, find a way to infuse a relationship that hits home.

Every story has an angle, and you just have to find it to make a point. Getting a fun approach to any topic could put your mind at ease since you can quickly draw a personal experience from your knowledge. Remember to follow the writing rules, so you don’t go off-wagon.

Make it a Ritual

We did not love many activities in our lives, but we grew into them. For instance, walking to your favorite pizza place Thursdays after class to grab a slice is something you look forward to, a necessary ritual. This is possible with writing.

If you’re a fan of taking long walks through the woods, or visiting the gym, going along with a writing pad could be a good addition. This can be done by finding little activities and wrapping them around your writing project. While carrying out your most preferred activity, pause and take some time to think about the writing assignment. It’s easier to get ideas.

You could add some music to help your mood. This includes creating a playlist for writing alone. If taking smoothies is a particular ritual, use your essay time to take your favorite mix, so your brain can accept both.

Like all actions, making it a habit could take some time. The keyword here is consistency, but know when to take breaks, so you don’t force your brain to develop writer’s block, and it becomes draining. Give yourself a chance to develop this ritual, taking it slowly. Once you become used to it, this habit could become a lifestyle, meaning you won’t need to add other forms of activities to it.

Write Like a Kid

We all felt like picking up our pencils to write something, probably third grade. It was exciting and fun. You may revive that spirit again. This can be done by bringing in different learning tools and drawings to pen down ideas and further understand the task.

Whatever worked for you, then you can perform again. It could be disguising each idea as a drawing if you’re art-oriented, spreadsheets if business-minded, or talking to friends online if you’re social-media savvy.

Go back to them, whichever brought you peace and introduced the old ways of having fun. Frequently, it is only by going back to the roots that you could probably find the fun again.


Are you feeling pumped about the pending essay task and finally realizing how fun it could be? Sometimes it may not be as delightful as this, and you struggle to pen down a thought or type a word. We recommend starting with planning ahead and dividing the task into simple bits. Also, don’t forget to enlist the help of a pro for times when it seems too challenging to start writing.


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