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What Is Craft Beer and How Do You Best Enjoy It?



One of the most valuable commodities produced is beer. Beer is an alcoholic beverage that’s made with water, yeast, grain, and hops. It’s made in almost every country and is consumed by a lot of people. In fact, beer is the most consumed liquid after tea and water. Brands such as Budweiser, Tiger, Corona, Heineken, and Tsingtao are some of the most popular choices of beer. If you want a good time, you can simply open a bottle and drink up.

However, there’s a truly unique experience when drinking beer. If you want to experience that, you’re going to have to choose a totally unique kind of beer for that feeling. For that, you need to drink craft beer. So what is craft beer and how should you enjoy it? Here are some things to know about this wonderful drink:

So What Is Craft Beer?

Craft beer is an alternative to mass-produced beer(Budweiser, Heineken, Corona, etc.). Although craft beer is produced with the same ingredients as those beers from popular brands, they’re produced by small breweries or even solo entrepreneurs who have additional ingredients or processes that make their craft beer taste good.

Brewing craft beer is akin to art, and many brewers take pride in their work. When people hear about craft beer, they immediately think of unique flavors and something exciting when drinking.

Is It Safe?

Many people think that since craft beer is technically home-brewed, that there could be dangers when consuming such a drink. Roughly speaking, making craft beer can be similar to whipping up a cup of your own coffee brew at home. However, it’s not that simple. There are processes to follow when creating craft beer.

These processes call for sterility so there’s zero chance that anything dangerous is left behind when craft beer is created. If craft beer was made in less than desirable conditions, then you’ll end up with a bad product, something a budding brewery or solo brewer wouldn’t want attached to their name.

Although fermentation and bacteria are involved in creating some of the best craft beers, the finished product is safe to consume. The only drawback is that craft beer quickly spoils and should be consumed immediately. Although pasteurization can lengthen shelf life, many microbreweries and independent producers chose to forego this step to create complex flavor profiles.

How Do You Enjoy Craft Beer?

Just like any beer, craft beer should be enjoyed chilled. However, due to the uniqueness of some brews, there are beers that can be slightly chilled, ice-cold, warm, and sometimes, even served piping hot. With that said, here are some do’s and don’ts to enjoy your craft beer:

Do Take Your Time When Enjoying Beer.

Don’t rush finishing a glass; enjoy the flavors.

Do Use the Right Glassware.

Using glasses that allow beer to breathe or those that keep it at the right temperature are the perfect ones to use. Nevertheless, you should enjoy craft beer in the best beer glasses so you can make the most out of the experience.

Do Enjoy Your Beer at the Right Temperature.

There are craft beers that taste extremely good when ice cold, and there are beers that taste fine when slightly cold. Craft beers with spices and citrus, like mulled beer, are served warm or hot.

Don’t Store Your Beer Exposed to Sunlight.

This is the reason why many beer bottles are dark or colored brown. Sunlight makes beer bad quickly.

Don’t Drink Hungry, Before or While Eating.

Your body changes the way you metabolize the alcohol when you’re hungry or eating.


These two never go together. So be safe and avoid alcohol when you’re going to drive.


Although popular beer brands such as those mentioned above taste great, it’s a good idea to try alternative craft beer for a unique experience. There’s always something great about craft beer, from unique flavors to interesting stories behind the production. With the things mentioned above, you should be able to enjoy your craft beer to the fullest. Remember, drink responsibly and don’t drink and drive.

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