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3 self-presentation techniques by Livebeam that will make you stand out in a crowd



Somewhere in everyone, we’ve wanted to be the star of our story. Either privately or publicly, almost everyone has wanted to be admired by a gathering of people. If not for the fame and attention, at least for the pride and fulfilling feeling.

It’s easier to stand out in a crowd as a professional of some sort, or a leader of the clan. But, you could be just a member in the midst of a crowd and still stand out. This takes the attention away from what or who you are,  but rather how you present yourself. 

Livebeam understands self-presentation really well. On the communication platform, pictures and conversations are an ever-present theme in every chat. You get a chance to show yourself and get the attention of every chat you start. 

This necessity of having a good self-presentation is why Livebeam has come up with these 3 self-presentation techniques that you can apply offline and online to make yourself a unique figure. These techniques are covered under 3 important qualities. Let’s get straight into it, shall we?

1. Confidence

The Confidence you exude in the midst of a crowd has a vital role to play in your public pull. Just by honing whatever skill or knowledge you have and reflecting on it, you can make so many heads turn.

Doctors, Lawyers, Engineers, Entertainers, and Sportspeople tend to easily stand out in a crowd owing to their profession. However, you will agree that you could have two doctors in a room and just one could attract the attention of everyone else. This goes to show that it’s way more than the uniform you have on, the badge you put on your cloth, or your past achievements.

Now, how can you exude confidence?

  • Offline:

When in a public place, you need to put in the work to get heads turning. You have to really know your onions. Your confidence has to be backed up by your knowledge and expertise.

Once you have attained a satisfactory threshold, you can now get into conversations in your field, answering questions relating to what you know, and even evaluating other people’s knowledge. This would surely make more people interested in your person in a crowd.

  • Online:

We will be taking Livebeam as a case study in the online space. On a platform like Livebeam, communication is so easy. Just from your sign-up, you already begin to receive invites to chat and chat suggestions based on your profile. This means you can immediately exude your confidence from your profile.

Filling details about your profession and your preferences, and backing them up with lively pictures will optimize your Livebeam profile, and in no time, you will have several messages coming in from people who want to get to know you better and start a conversation – how’s that for standing out?

2. Passion 

One could think that confidence is the pinnacle of exuding what you know and are well-trained in. However, if you think that way, you would be wrong. This is because there is still the higher level of “passion”.

Confidence branches from you knowing yourself and your craft, and that in itself is very attractive. But, a stronger claim is when you love what you actually do. Being passionate about what you are discussing and giving off relative energy will surely get people to look at you at least twice. People have aced interviews and gained success just by exuding their passion publicly.

Your passion can be demonstrated effectively, and here’s how to do that.

  • Offline:

When having discussions in public or just being present in a group, a lot of people focus the topic on what they know and how great it is. This is your chance to change the narrative. Instead of following the bandwagon,  you can talk about how it makes you feel.

By showing that this discussion is more than just another conversation to you, you make it personal and emotional. You make it your own topic. Once that has been achieved, who do you think people will turn to the next time that topic comes to mind? Yes, it’s definitely you.

  • Online:

One of the main things Livebeam looks to achieve is creating genuine conversations. If you dig deep, you come to realize that the most genuine conversations are the ones we are most passionate about. This way, Livebeam gets people to discuss their passions and dreams along with their reality.

Livebeam efforts continue by connecting to their streaming features. Yes, you can stream content from different creators on Livebeam. While doing so, you have the chance to publicly display your passion and find other people who share this passion. One thing more satisfying than having a passion is having someone to share it with.

3. Originality

If you’ve been paying good attention, you will realize that at no point were you ever advised to “fake it, till you make it” in this article. That’s intentional because the best standout qualities of a person are usually very natural.

You do not need any extra or faux personality to be unique. You are already unique just the way you are. What you need to do is to know yourself and be comfortable in your own skin. Do not let external opinions or norms make you pretend to be who you are not.

No matter the time and place, just be yourself.

  • Offline:

Right from the way you speak to the way you dress, and how you behave; each person has their personal touch. This is probably the easiest quality to exude here. All you have to do is say things how you want to say them, do things how you want to do them, and feel free.

People are more attracted to what they haven’t seen or heard before than a popular facade that they have seen or heard on several occasions. By doing what you would have been comfortable doing just in the confinement of your space, you give them a glimpse of something new.

  • Online:

Livebeam is probably the easiest place to be original. The platform values acceptance and diversity. The community has taken those values and made them theirs.

On Livebeam, it doesn’t matter what you like, where you’re from, or what you do or don’t do; as long as you’re willing to have a conversation, you’ll always have someone to talk to. This is why Livebeam is a place to be – making friends, having fun, and creating memories.

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