Lowcountry Fitness Leadership Group Hits the Deck of the USS Yorktown for 10-Year Anniversary
Holy City F3, a free peer-led fitness leadership group for men, will celebrate its 10-year anniversary with a special workout on the deck of the USS Yorktown at 7 am on Saturday, March 11th.
John Clendaniel, an elementary school principal, and Jed Wiseman, former Navy Seal, – both members of Holy City F3 – will lead the workout. More than 125 local men who regularly participate in F3 will join in the workout.
F3 started in 2011 in Charlotte, NC, and has grown to more than 46 states and 3,600 scheduled workouts each week. F3 stands for fitness, fellowship, and faith and welcomes men of all fitness levels and physical abilities to their workouts.
“F3 is a leadership development group disguised as a workout,” said Ian Anderson the head of F3 Charleston. “All men are welcome to show up to a workout and strengthen their body. But they will soon find that they were created to lead, love, and serve their families and their communities. We are making real life change in the low country by encouraging men to live for something bigger than themselves.”
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