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SCETV Series “Yoga in Practice” Returns for Season 4 with 13 New Episodes



Press Release

COLUMBIA, S.C. – The half-hour yoga instructional series Yoga in Practice has returned for Season 4 on ETV-HD. Hosted by master instructor Stacey Millner-Collins, the 13-episode series builds on previous seasons and features additional yoga poses and sequences. This season focuses on universal themes such as courage and the art of slowing down, and includes basic meditation and breathing techniques.

Yoga in Practice is also being distributed nationally by American Public Television (APT) to viewers of public television across the U.S. The program, which first aired in 2018, will begin airing on public television stations across the U.S. in April.

Designed for the at-home practitioner, Stacey Millner-Collins teaches yoga with detailed alignment principles while also incorporating the more subtle practices of breath, meditation and philosophy. The program is appropriate for all levels of students, including yoga students with mobility issues or who wish to practice at their desk.

Yoga in Practice host Stacey Millner-Collins is the founder and director of City Yoga in Columbia, SC, which opened in 2003. She is a Registered Yoga Teacher with Yoga Alliance, which acknowledges the completion of a yoga teacher training with an approved and active Registered Yoga School. She first came to her yoga mat in 1994 and became a certified Anusara Yoga instructor in 2006.

Below is a glimpse into each episode of Yoga in Practice Season 4:

  • Episode 401: Love Yourself as You Are- In this episode we let go of striving for perfection and embrace who we are right now.
  • Episode 402: How to Get Going- Making change requires motivation. This episode challenges us while practicing chair yoga.
  • Episode 403: It’s Not What You Do, but How You Do It- It’s not about what you do in life but how you do it. Consider this in a gentle yoga practice.
  • Episode 404: The Delight of Freedom- Good alignment is good therapy. More freedom in our body helps us enjoy life a bit more.
  • Episode 405: Seeking Balance- This class will assist with cultivating better habits by slowing down and practicing balancing.
  • Episode 406: Interdependence- Move from the periphery into the core using twists and backbends.
  • Episode 407: Reset Your Emotional Circuit Breaker- Reset your emotional circuit breakers. Ask yourself, what is mine to do and not to do today?
  • Episode 408: Savoring the Gifts- To relish today’s practice to its utmost, stay as present in the moment as possible.
  • Episode 409: Refining and Evolving- Small changes can shift our vision and health. Say to yourself, “I like myself when I try.”
  • Episode 410: A Complicated Journey- Being human is complicated. Are we able to want the life we are currently living right now?
  • Episode 411: Tend to the Roots- Tending to the roots helps us face future uncertainties. Let’s grow some roots today.
  • Episode 412: Strengthening the Back- Work on strengthening the back for better posture and self-assurance.
  • Episode 413: Breath and Relaxation- Ease into a practice that opens our ribcage so we can breathe more deeply.

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