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Psychological Benefits of Having Art in Your Home



Everyone usually tries to make “home” a place where you can relax but also a place that can inspire and stimulate you. For most of us, “home” is much more than just a building with bare walls. Psychologists also agree that your home environment can influence your mental health.

It is widely believed that artworks in your home, especially paintings and drawings, have a great psychological influence on you. This article will look at the psychological benefits of art in your home. Interestingly, it doesn’t matter whether you have original art or replica paintings in your home. The effect of the artwork stays the same.

As it can be very expensive and just out of reach for you to enhance your home’s décor with original classic oil paintings and other original artwork, we’ll also discuss how you can surround yourself with affordable oil painting reproductions. This is in line with the tests that have shown that fine art reproductions affect the brain exactly like original paintings.

Art in Your Home

Art is capable of creating several emotions in a person through sensations like touch and vision. It has the power to uplift mood, spread positive energy, and change the perspective of your surroundings. Thus, you need to be extremely selective in the way you choose art for your home. 

The first thing you must remember when choosing replica paintings for your home is that it is your home, and you should hang paintings on the walls that are meaningful to you. You can’t share any of the psychological benefits of paintings in your home if you don’t like the paintings!

To relax, for instance, you have to be amongst friends, and if the paintings in the room where you de-stress are not your “friends,” you will not be able to share your stress issues with them silently. Remember beautiful artwork awaits every corner of your house. 

The prior approach while selecting the wall-fit artwork for your home should be its vibe. An artwork appropriate for a kitchen cannot be hung in the bedroom and vice versa. Similarly, try to find artworks that compliment your interior and match well with your surroundings. Let’s now look at some of the most important psychological benefits of having paintings in your home.

Viewing Art You Love Decreases Stress Levels

Since Covid-19, many of us have been working from home, and If you don’t schedule our days correctly, work stress can be in your home 24/7. One of the ways to de-stress and get control of your thinking processes is to relax in a room with beautiful artwork you love.

Galleries, meditation rooms, and therapy hubs seek ideal artworks for the same person. Mostly, water paintings and natural scenes are chosen for the same. For houses, you can select a corner where you find solace and get a painting with the same ambiance. It can be your calming zone where you meditate, relax, and spend your peaceful time. 

It has been proven scientifically that looking at paintings without outside disturbances can normalize blood pressure levels. So if you have a room in your house to relax and enjoy your paintings, it is the ideal place to decrease stress levels.

Art Helps You to be More Creative and to Think Critically

While paintings can, on the one hand, de-stress you, they can, on the other hand, also help you to form new creative ideas. Creative heads seek the best ideas from already existing artworks. This is possible because good paintings help the brain to “merge” real and imagined parts of your life.

There is room for deriving new techniques and artistic skills from inspiring artworks. Exploring a painting from different perspectives also enhances the brain to develop critical thinking skills to help you think rationally and clearly.

Thus, it is good to have spaces in your home where the paintings on the walls affect the brain differently. You need a quiet and relaxed space to de-stress but also a space where the paintings on the walls move and inspire you.

Also, with every new painting that you bring into your house automatically makes way for new ideas. It leads to sound thinking, positive energies, and a brain that works in multiple dimensions. 

Artworks entice You to Share Opinions

If you carefully choose your paintings for your walls, you’ll have excellent “conversation starters” on the walls where you meet your friends and family. Psychologists have found that most paintings enhance positivity and allow your brain to share your opinions with others.

It has been found that every time you look at an artwork there is a different observation. You dig out the unseen and other visual aspects which have been otherwise left unnoticed. This way, you are likely to become observant and shape your expression skills.

Usually, talking about the art on your walls results in conversations much more than only small talk. This is because art stimulates both the introspective and extrospective parts of your brain.

You will have a consolidated voice in telling your viewpoint on the story behind the painting. Your opinion will make its way and flourish better than it ever could. Altogether, confidently redefine your personality. 

Art Increases your Empathy for Others and Your Feelings of Love and Pleasure

Someone passionate about art is likely to have amplified feelings of love for their family and friends. It somehow transpires a person to be more affectionate and loving towards people as well as nature. 

A study found that after a test group of students viewed art, they had a greater tolerance for the views of others. They also showed more empathy for other people. At the same time, these people are certainly better at understanding and sensible in making decisions under pressure. 

Good artwork will enlighten you in ways that you can’t imagine. Try looking at the Starry Nights, and for sure, you will fall in love with the nighscapes. Look at any abstract art, and you will be amazed by science meeting geometrical creativity.

Research has proven that being in a room with good art makes you feel good. Tests have shown that viewing art brings pleasure to the brain. In addition, it increases dopamine levels in the brain – the same substance activated when you fall in love.

How and Where to Obtain a Painting Reproduction

After we’ve now looked at all the benefits of having paintings on the walls of your home, let’s look at how you can get the paintings you want at affordable prices.

Although it would be fantastic to have a home filled with original paintings, but it is usually not financially viable.  So, what will you do if you are a fan of Da Vinci and wish to buy anything but Mona Lisa? 

Worry not, your dream of purchasing world-class painting is still possible. There are so many replica paintings or oil painting reproductions available online that are ditto copies of the original ones. These can be easily ordered online through art galleries at affordable prices. 

Purchase from an Online Art Gallery

There are many reputable online art galleries offering art reproductions. These galleries use highly trained and skilled artists to create handmade oil paintings which look exactly like the original. Some of these galleries have thousands of hand-painted portraits in their catalogs – already painted and ready for delivery to you or to be created on order. Generally speaking, art gallery paintings are of a very high standard.

If you have a “mind-block” by thinking that you don’t want prints or cheap copies of artworks on your home’s walls, think of good oil reproductions as original oil paintings. Although the artwork is copy painting, it is a real skilled artist who has painted the copy. So, in a certain sense, you have “originals” on your walls. And many art lovers will tell you that they enjoy their reproductions just as much as any original paintings (sometimes called “first paintings”) in their home.

Ensure that You are Purchasing from a Reputable Gallery

Investing in quality artwork is a one-time decision. Hence, it should be worth every penny you will be spending. For your convenience, we list a few important aspects you can check before buying oil paintings from an online gallery to ensure that you use a reputable institution. Check whether:

    • There is positive commentary available from previous clients regarding the handmade paintings
    • The gallery offers a 100% satisfaction guarantee on their oil drawings and paintings
    • A reasonable money-back guarantee and return policy are in place
    • Shipping is free or at least reasonable
  • Certifications and authenticity about the gallery as well it’s products 
  • Clients reviews 


As it has been scientifically proven that paintings and drawings in your home can have a great psychological influence on you, we hope this article entices you to start collecting artwork you love. And remember, reproductions of original artworks are just as suitable as the original painting – at a much more affordable price.

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