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The Power of Positive Self-Talk and Its Impact on Your Life



This is your sign to refresh your perspective, feeling, and well-being. We’ve compiled all of the reasons why you should be shifting your inner voice to a kinder inner voice. Right now. We’re going to be learning why positive self-talk can unfold a chain reaction of great benefits in your life.

Empowers Will & Grit

Positive self-talk can help strengthen a person’s will and grit. We all know that willpower is everything when it comes to enduring struggles, and grit helps with overcoming them. If you have a goal, purpose, mission, or anything that keeps you waking up every day, then you’ll want will and grit.

Positive self-talk can strengthen your willpower and reinforce your grit, two things that can save you from despair, self-pity, depression, and just being broken down from the struggles of life. The more you encourage yourself, the more you’ll get used to encouraging yourself. And if you’re encouraging yourself, you last longer when struggles arise.

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Everyone falls into situations that test their character, which either helps them grow or become stagnant. In those instances, you’ll discover just how strong and capable you are. Suffering and pain are inevitable in our lives, and we have every right to feel negative emotions. It’s natural.

However, there’s a fine line. If we begin to become too accustomed to our pain, to the point that we let it define us, we fall into a miserable place. This isn’t invalidating those who suffer tremendously. Some people face extremely horrible circumstances, and those traumas take a lifetime to heal. We’re talking about those who do suffer but have the privilege/possibility of moving on from it. This is where will and grit can be handy.

Fosters Self-Forgiveness & Acceptance

Positive self-talk can foster the ability to:

  • Forgive yourself and not be too judgemental or unnecessarily harsh on your own mistakes.
  • Accept ourselves fully.

It’s important to have the ability to forgive yourself for your shortcomings. Many of us might need to be perfect or right in everything that we do and in our relationships with people. However life can be controlled in some aspects, but a large part of it is very unpredictable.

That’s what makes it interesting. Self-forgiveness is crucial to have a better mindset. We’re not robots, after all. Most things in life we learn or realize by trial and error. We’re bound to make mistakes. The most important thing is how we react and choose to progress when we make mistakes: Do we wallow in self-loathing, or do we try to see what we could learn from it?

Acceptance typically comes after when we’ve learned not to be too hard on ourselves for making errors. Acceptance of our flaws, our strengths, our weaknesses, everything. It seems to be that many people have a hard time looking at themselves without lying to themselves, denying some things, or choosing to be blind to the existence of some of their shadows.

However, we can’t escape ourselves. We can try, but in the long run, self-denial leads to misery. At least, that’s typically what’s observable. When we learn to accept ourselves fully, we usually gain clarity on many other important and decisive factors in our lives. Like where our happiness lies and why we deserve to be loved. This takes us to the next point.

Fosters Self-love

Positive self-talk can foster one of the most important abilities in a person if they are consistent in trying to see the light in themselves. Self-love is a crucial element in unlocking all the other positive influences you can have. Be it that if you start with self-love first, everything normally follows: happiness, forgiveness, joy, authenticity, etc.

Rephrase and reframe the words you tell yourself every day, and watch how your mindset changes. What grows inside of us is what we nurture and focus on. If we keep having a negative mindset consistently, then we get used to this mental dialogue. It’s the same for the opposite way around.

Be kind, loving, and forgiving to yourself. Your relationship with who you are is the most central and potentially the most important one you have in your life. If you can be kind and understanding to other people, why would you treat yourself any differently?

Enables Forgiveness & Acceptance of Others

Positive self-talk can help foster the ability to forgive and accept others. The fact of the matter is we are all individuals, even if we try to coexist. Harmony is important, but so is individuality. There’s a balance. And to forgive people for what they’ve done to hurt you is to live in peace. To forgive is to prioritize peace of mind and soul. To forgive is to let go of anger and the heavy negative feelings that follow when we’re in pain.

While it’s normal to have such feelings and to feel them, it’s also important to let them go to heal and give positive feelings room to be felt once again. Everything is in permanent change.

As we’ve stated before, some things happen to some of us that are almost impossible to forgive or forget, and we recognize that. But we should always try to forgive and forget if we can.

Moreover, we might not necessarily like someone, but we should accept the fact that everyone’s different and has a different life to live. Too many times does it occur that people try to invalidate others by forcing them to live life on their terms. It’s better to live and let live.

Enables Authenticity, Purpose & Happiness

Positive self-talk can let you step into your power and unlock your authentic self while simultaneously making you realize what’s not “you.” Authenticity aligns you with your genuine self, which in turn can align you to your genuine values. This can help you find purpose or just plain happiness for the smaller things, depending on your personality. It’s a situation where you don’t lose.

Final Thoughts

It’s not always possible to be positive, but it takes strength to be able to bounce back from negativity and keep going. We do not advocate toxic positivity. We invite acceptance of all feelings. However, life is a balance of ups and downs. Practicing positive self-talk can make even your suffering meaningful because, in the end, it usually is.

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