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Want to Lose Weight? Drink These Beverages Instead of Beer



If you want to lose weight – to shed a few pounds, improve your overall health, or get ready for summer – drinking beer is one of the absolute worst things that you can do for yourself. Beer is calorically dense and high in carbs, with around 150 calories and 13 grams of carbohydrates in the average 12 ounce can.

As you’re probably well aware, cutting your caloric intake and adopting a low-carb diet are the cornerstones of any lifestyle that promotes weight loss. If you’re a beer fan who wants to shed a few pounds, you’ve got to find a healthier alternative. Cut your carbs and calories with these healthier alternatives to beer.

THC-Infused Seltzer

It seems like everyone is trying to reduce their intake of carbohydrates these days, and hard seltzer has capitalized on that trend in a big way. Light beer just doesn’t hit the spot in quite the same way as full-flavored beer – so if you’re going to give up the authentic flavor of beer, you might as well drink seltzer because it’s even lower in calories. However, hard seltzer can still contain quite a few calories because alcohol itself is calorically dense.

If you’re really looking to cut calories, try a buzz without booze: THC-infused seltzer. Unlike alcohol, THC has zero calories. Many THC seltzers are flavored with natural fruit juices and purees to keep their calorie counts as low as 50 calories per can, while still preserving a delicious flavor profile.

High-Proof Spirits

As we mentioned above, you can never completely rid yourself of calories if you’re drinking an alcoholic beverage because alcohol is calorically dense. It is possible, however, to drink alcohol in a form that’s much lower in calories than beer. Try a high-proof spirit such as vodka. Vodka is the ideal spirit for dieters because it’s neutral in flavor and contains almost nothing but water and ethanol. A one ounce serving of 80-proof vodka contains 64 calories. That’s about 42 percent of the caloric content of beer. In addition, vodka contains no carbohydrates.

If you’re trying to lose weight, you need to monitor your consumption carefully if you’re going to drink any alcoholic beverage because if you have just a few servings of vodka, you’ll end up consuming as many calories as you would have if you’d just cracked open a can of beer instead.

If you want to slow down your intake and avoid consuming too much alcohol, the ideal solution is to dilute your vodka with something that’s tasty but doesn’t add calories. Try club soda or unsweetened tonic water.

Fruit or Herb Infused Soda

Unsweetened soda water really is a dieter’s best friend. Staying hydrated is a great way to ensure that you won’t overeat. Not to mention, carbonated water also has a second benefit in that the bubbles fill up your stomach, creating a sense of fullness that keeps you from overeating.

It’s also a great substitute for soda – unlike diet sodas, which may actually promote obesity by causing those who consume them to crave higher-calorie foods. To make your own delicious and healthy “soda”, consider buying carbonated water and flavoring it yourself with produce and herbs, like lime juice, cucumbers, mint, or basil.

Black, Green or Herbal Tea

If you’re looking to get uplifting, energizing effects from beer, a great healthy alternative is tea. Between traditional tea and the huge number of herbal infusions on the market today, you’ll enjoy a virtually endless variety of flavors if you decide to drink tea instead of beer. Tea is also one of the world’s healthiest beverages because it’s calorie-free, rich in antioxidants, and it has a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.

Some tips on tea: it’s worthwhile investing in high-quality black or green tea because it’s still relatively affordable and infinitely tastier than the cheap teabags that you can find in your local supermarket. Teabags are typically filled with fannings, which are essentially the powdered fragments of tea leaves. Fannings aren’t particularly rich in flavor, and they can also be quite bitter. Loose-leaf tea, on the other hand, is every bit as complex and satisfying as a top-quality spirit when it’s brewed properly.

Finding an alternative to beer doesn’t have to mean that you’re missing out on flavor or satisfaction. There are plenty of healthy beverage alternatives that are better than beer!

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