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Charleston Business Leaders Team Up to Launch Panel Series



Press Release

Charleston business owners Brad Ebenhoeh of Accountfully and Lee Deas of Obviouslee know what small businesses need to succeed and have teamed up to host a new panel series called, “Fully Obvious: The Entrepreneur’s Secret.” The live-streamed episodes will address challenges and wins from three viewpoints: marketing and branding, accounting, and real-world experience from each guest founder. The inaugural episode, which goes live on May 11th at 11:15 am on LinkedIn, will feature the founders of Charleston Gourmet Burger, Monique and Chevallo Wilsondebriano.

Obviouslee and Accountfully became acquainted over a decade ago when they had neighboring offices on King Street in downtown Charleston. Guests will highlight established founders in the consumer packaged goods space that span the nation, kicking off with a Charleston-based company.

Lee Deas, Founder & Visionary of Obviouslee Marketing, shares, “It only seemed appropriate that our first guest was a successful Charleston entrepreneur duo. Monique and Chevallo are a perfect fit for the first guest speakers after seeing such huge success with national distribution and partnerships with Walmart and Amazon.”

The format of each speaking event will remain similar and provide insight and advice alongside engaging conversation for prospective and active business owners alike. Each episode will bring a unique answer to the following questions:

  • —  What business accounting elements are critical to a company’s success, and how do they work together?
  • —  How can you connect people to the resources needed when growing a brand?
  • —  How can you grow and evolve an e-commerce brand?
  • —  What are three pitfalls you’ve experienced, two business practices you are doing now you never expected, and one strategy you’re focusing on for the future?

Brad Ebenhoeh, CEO and Founder of Accountfully, is equally excited about using the platform to demystify the world of business accounting in a new forum. “Our unique and easy-to-understand accounting content has always set us apart. We are not your typical accounting firm, and our style shows that. What better team to join forces with than Obviouslee to support and inspire business owners–with style.”

Once the first episode launches, a regular cadence of shows will continue. You can find the sign-up link and more information here:

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