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Two Teacher Assistants Arrested for Assaulting Special Needs Student



Two former teacher assistants at Newington Elementary School have been arrested for the alleged violent assault of an 11-year-old special needs student. The child, who is non-verbal and deaf, was allegedly assaulted in the autism room on the mornings of May 8th and May 10th, 2023. Both incidents were captured on video surveillance and provided to the Summerville Police Department.

The Peper Law Firm, who is representing the family of the student, said lthat on May 10th, Emily Westermann is seen grabbing and shoving the special needs student from behind while lifting her fist, causing him to lose his balance. She then shoves the special needs student to the ground before exiting the classroom. A short time later, Westermann was escorted off the premises. She was arrested on May 16th, 2023 and charged with Assault & Battery 3rd Degree.

The lam firm says further investigations revealed a separate assault two days prior. Patricia Fuller, a teacher’s aide, is seen pinching and pushing the special needs student before grabbing him by the neck and shoving him into his chair. While seated, Fuller continued to violently grab the special needs student by the neck and jaw. As the assault progresses, the special needs student continues to flinch and scream in fear while raising his arms into a defensive posture. Fuller continues to scream in the face of the special needs student while rolling up her sleeves before being removed from the classroom. Fuller was arrested on May 18th, 2023 and charged with Unlawful Conduct Towards a Child, a Felony carrying up to 10 years in prison.

On behalf of the family of the child, The Peper Law Firm issued the following statement:

“As parents, we expect our children to be safe from harm when we walk them into school each morning. To violently attack any student for any reason is intolerable; to attack a non-verbal, deaf, special needs student out of pure frustration is unforgivable. We intend to hold these individuals and those responsible for their employ accountable with the same wrath of fury directed upon this innocent child.”

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