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CBD for Headaches: How to Get Relief Without Over-the-Counter Painkillers



The wonders of medical science are seemingly boundless. Nowadays, you can get prescription drugs for just about any ailment you have. Got a headache? Take some analgesics. Got a fever? Drink some antipyretic. Having a crippling anxiety attack? Take some anxiolytics—and the list goes on. But all these synthetic drugs were not invented by scientists and chemists out of thin air. They were patterned after the molecular structure of nature’s medicinal plants.

For instance, white willow bark (Salix alba) was among the earliest painkillers used by ancient civilizations in China and Europe. Although it is still being used to this day, there are now plenty of synthetic alternatives, such as nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), acetaminophen, COX inhibitors etc. However, after years of chronic use, doctors started noticing a pattern among its users. Most of them develop gastrointestinal and renal problems in the long run. There are even certain drugs that cause birth defects when taken by pregnant women. 

In search of a better alternative to these synthetic drugs, people are now rediscovering the wonders of medicinal plants—one of which is cannabis, which is more commonly known as marijuana. It is a panacea with lots of therapeutic benefits, one of which is long-lasting pain relief. However, it often gets a bad reputation—even being banned and categorized as an illicit drug—because of the psychedelic effects of THC. But what most people don’t understand is that you can still get these therapeutic benefits without the high if you use cannabidiol (CBD) instead of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Which is why those who want long-lasting analgesic effects are finding natural relief with CBD products

The Dangers of Chronic and Long-Term Use of Painkillers 

Analgesic drugs such as ibuprofen, paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac and many more are safe, effective, and efficacious when used sparingly. Unlike plants that have to be boiled, dried, or extracted before it can be used, these synthetic drugs are always readily available. All you have to do is swallow them with some water. Moreover, they have fast onset of action, long duration of action, and they can be conveniently carried in your pocket or bag so you can use it whenever you need it. However, this ease of use is exactly what makes it easy to abuse. Some people take over-the-counter pain medications at the slightest sign of pain, not knowing that chronic and long-term use of these drugs have serious adverse effects. 

In particular, chronic and long-term use of NSAIDs is among the leading causes of damage in the liver, kidney, heart, as well as gastrointestinal problems. Even with short-term use, diarrhea, constipation, nausea, upset stomach or heartburn are common adverse effects. Some analgesics like aspirin can also cause hypersensitivity response or even life-threatening anaphylactic reactions. In some cases, it can cause stomach ulcers and coagulation disorders. 

CBD for Headache Relief

There are instances wherein not taking pain medication is not an option—one of which is when you have a splitting headache. It can vary in character—stabbing pain, dull ache, throbbing pain—and duration. It can last for seconds, minutes, hours, and even days! But one thing is certain: the discomfort from a headache can significantly affect your ability to function normally throughout the day. In such cases, you can take over-the-counter pain medications, or choose nature’s gift to humanity—the ever-so-versatile CBD extracts from cannabis plants. 

CBD works by interacting with our body’s endogenous cannabinoid system (ECS) which has profound effect on physiological processes including regulation of mood, appetite, pain sensation, smooth muscle tone, and immune function. CBD relieves headache by inhibiting pain sensation via its modulatory actions at all stages of pain processing pathways. It also inhibits cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) receptors, thereby preventing the release of prostaglandins—which are the lipid autacoids that causes you to feel pain. 

Recent studies also confirm that CBD shows immense potential in remedying migraines. In fact, in one study, it was observed that the use of CBD oils reduced the frequency of migraines in medical marijuana users—from nearly 10 per month to only just four per month. 

Should You Take CBD for Headache?

If you are considering the use of CBD oil for headache and migraines, the first thing you should do is to consult your healthcare provider. You shouldn’t take CBD oil without your physician’s recommendations and guide on dosing, especially if you are taking prescription and/or maintenance medications. This is because the research about CBD is still in its early phases and there is still a lot we don’t know about its full range of effects and interactions with other drugs. 

If your physician deems it safe for you to use, the next best thing to do is to look for a reputable source of pure CBD oil. Not all sources adhere to high standards of CBD extraction and sometimes, harmful residues can seep through in the mix. It is also important to make sure that if it contains trace amounts of THC, it shouldn’t be above 0.3%. 

How to Use CBD Oil

To relieve headache, you can dose CBD through the following means:

  • As an added ingredient in foods and drinks
  • In capsule form
  • As orals drops or sprays
  • As tincture for sublingual dosing
  • As gummy bears
  • As a topical balm
  • As a medicated patch

Possible Adverse Effects of CBD

CBD’s benefits are immense, but that does not mean that it does not have drawbacks. While CBD is well-tolerated by majority of users, it is possible to experience the following side effects following a megadose:

  • Fatigue
  • Dry mouth
  • Diarrhea

Is CBD Legal in Your State?

The use of hemp-derived CBD products containing less than 0.3% THC is legal in most states after the 2018 Farm Bill was approved. In some states, it is easy to acquire and possess CBD products, whereas in other states, it is legal, but dispensaries are not easily accessible. To date, the states of Idaho, Nebraska, and South Dakota are the only states wherein marijuana-derived CBD is still illegal. To be on the safe side, research about your state’s laws before purchasing CBD.

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