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SCDE Task Force Releases Teacher Recruitment and Retention Recommendations



Press Release

The Teacher Recruitment and Retention Task Force, created by a proviso in the 2022-23 Appropriations Act, submitted its recommendations to executive and legislative leadership yesterday. The full report is available here:

The report outlines 23 separate recommendations that fit into four broad categories: Compensation & Evaluation, Recruitment, Educator Preparation, and Working Conditions. Individual recommendations include defining career ladders for educators, developing a profile of the Prepared SC Educator, and continuing to increase the starting salary for teachers.

“Thank you to each task force member for the thorough and collaborative approach you took in putting this report together,” said Governor Henry McMaster. “I look forward to closely reviewing the report’s findings with Superintendent Weaver and the General Assembly so we can further improve the recruitment and retention of teachers in our state.”

Gov. McMaster appointed former State Superintendent of Education Dr. Barbara Nielsen to lead the work of the task force.

“The deliberate and comprehensive way the task force approached its work created a product representative of so many perspectives and voices,” said Nielsen. “The Governor, legislative leaders, and the South Carolina Department of Education will have many ideas to consider as the State moves into the ‘take action’ phase of this initiative.”

Many of the recommendations would require legislative action, such as changes to existing law or new appropriations. While progress on those recommendations may have to largely wait until the legislature is back in session, the South Carolina Department of Education plans to begin working on several of the recommendations that do not require action by the General Assembly. These recommendations, to name a few, include the public relations campaign elevating and promoting the importance of public education and streamlining the certificate process.

“This important report speaks powerfully to key themes I’ve heard from educators across the state. We must pursue clarity of vision and alignment of resources to reimagine how we recruit, prepare, and support new educators; equip and grow our teachers as classroom leaders and our principals as school culture builders; and ensure that when it comes to student discipline, our educators know that we have their back,” State Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver said.  “I appreciate the diligent work of taskforce members to develop this roadmap that will help guide our journey, as we work together to ensure that every child in South Carolina has the life-changing gifts of a great teacher and an excellent education.”

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