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South Carolina Department of Education Announces Summer Food Service Programs Underway



Press Release

Columbia, S.C. – The South Carolina Department of Education’s (SCDE) Summer Break Café and the Seamless Summer Option meal programs have approximately 1,100 meal sites operating throughout the state. These summer meal programs are funded by the United States Department of Agriculture and administered by SCDE.

“These meal options for families ensure that no South Carolina child experiences food scarcity simply because school is out of session,” said State Superintendent of Education Ellen Weaver. “We are grateful to the many districts and community partners who make student access to nutritious meals a priority during the summer months.”

The Summer Break Café program ensures that children continue to receive nutritious meals during the summer when schools are closed. Children 18 and under can receive a free breakfast, lunch, dinner or snack at various schools, parks, community centers, libraries, and churches. The type of meals and times of operation varies at each site.

The Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2023 enacted by Congress established a permanent non-congregate meal service option for rural areas with no congregate meal service available. Those sites are permitted to serve grab and go meals.

To find your nearest meal site, visit and enter your address in the USDA Summer Meal Site Finder Map. You may also call 1-866-3-HUNGRY (348-6479) or text ‘FOOD’ to 304-304.


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