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Surprising Benefits of Listening to Music



Everyone’s taste in music is very unique. That means it doesn’t matter what kind of music you make, because someone is bound to love listening to it. The music industry does tend to favour certain types of music over others, but that being said, you have to understand that there isn’t one human culture on earth that has existed without some type of music. Music is incredibly beneficial, and if you have always wanted to learn an instrument, there is truly no better time for you to try.

Source: Pexels (CC0 License)

Music Stimulates the Brain

If you have a child and you give them music education at a very early age, then this helps to stimulate their brain. It also helps them to have better communication and visual skills. One study found that those who were subjected to a month of musical training ended up with a higher ability of being able to understand words and their general meaning. Even children as young as one year can benefit from being exposed to music, as it helps them with their communication.

Keeping the Brain Healthy

Music doesn’t just stimulate the brain. It helps to keep it healthy as well. When you listen to, or play music, you will be more alert as your brain is being exercised. This boosts your mental development, and it also helps to boost your memory. Music even has the ability to help you to regain your memories if you have brain damage, which just goes to show how powerful it can be. It doesn’t even matter what genre you choose either, as long as you enjoy it and that it stimulates your brain.

It Makes you Happy

Music has the ability to completely change your mood. Depending on what you are playing, or what you are listening to, music helps you to cheer yourself up. The main reason for this is because music helps to release dopamine. This is a feel-good hormone, and it causes you to experience a range of emotions. This can include happiness and joy. Playing music can give you a similar boost of exhilaration, in the same way that eating a big piece of chocolate cake. If you want to help yourself to make the most out of your musical journey, then one thing you can do is invest in a looper. When you do, you can then play along with yourself, so you don’t have to seek out other bandmates.

Blood Pressure Benefits

Studies have been done over the years and they have found that music helps to strengthen your heart and it drastically reduces the recovery time of cardiac disease. It doesn’t matter what genre you listen to either, because when you listen to music, endorphins are released in the brain, and this improves your heart health. Music can also lower your blood pressure, while slowing down your heart rate. If you struggle with a lot of stress, then this is a great benefit that you will really want to take advantage of.

Reducing Pain

Research has shown time and time again that music is great for reducing levels of cortisol. Cortisol is the stress hormone within the body, and it is responsible for increasing your chance of developing heart disease. Cortisol also weakens the immune system, and it affects your bone density. Uplifting music has the potential to increase your antibody levels as well, which is great if you feel as though you are always coming down with coughs and colds.

A Skill or Life

When you learn an instrument or when you buy an instrument to practice on, you will soon find that you end up learning a skill that will last you for the rest of your life. It’s very similar to riding a bike. When you have mastered the basic concept of it, you will then be able to apply it to almost any other instrument. Musical theory can be complex but if you can take the time to learn it then there is no reason why you can’t go from one instrument to another with ease, which helps to broaden your horizons while expanding your potential hobbies.

Of course, if you have never given any thought to playing an instrument before then now is the time for you to change that. It has never been easier for you to give it a go for yourself and when you do, you will soon find that you can make a huge difference to your general happiness levels as well as your understanding of your favourite genre.

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