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SCDP Statement on Tim Scott and Nikki Haley “Bringing Their MAGA Agendas Back to South Carolina”



As Tim Scott and Nikki Haley visit the Palmetto State, South Carolina Democratic Party Chair Christale Spain released the following statement:

“Tim Scott and Nikki Haley can’t water down their extreme records because we know the truth – like the rest of the MAGA 2024 GOP field they’re running on a deeply unpopular agenda to ban abortion nationwide, cut taxes for the ultra-wealthy, and pander to their MAGA base instead of focusing on the actual issues Americans care about. As they come into South Carolina today, we can expect more of the same – all grievances and no actual plan to address the challenges hardworking families are facing.

Take a look at their actual records:

Tim Scott and Nikki Haley stand with the MAGA 2024 candidates who want to ban abortion nationwide.

    • Scott: “We must have a president of the United States who will advocate and fight for at the minimum a 15-week limit. I am 100 percent pro-life conservative. I have 100 percent pro-life record. I’ve got to tell you, though, we must fight for life.”
    • Haley, immediately after leaving the debate stage: “When it comes to a federal bill, I think there is a place for that.”

Both of them are committed to an economic agenda that would put money in the pockets of South Carolina’s wealthiest at the expense of our hardworking families.

    • Scott can’t stop bragging about his role as architect of the 2017 GOP tax scam that gave huge tax breaks to the ultra wealthy at the expense of working families.
    • Haley proudly backed the Trump tax cuts that were skewed toward the ultra-wealthy and big corporations.

These candidates are just as MAGA when it comes to foreign policy as well. Haley says one thing on the campaign trail about Communist China despite her actual record showing something different.

    • While Haley calls Communist China a threat to American businesses on the campaign trail, the reality is she gladly welcomed and incentivized Chinese businesses in South Carolina as governor and called China a “great friend” when she was UN ambassador.”

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