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Charleston Coffee Roasters Announces Winner of South Carolina Aquarium’s “Name Our Turtle Campaign”



Press Release

As the lead sponsor of the Nutritional Care Program at the South Carolina Aquarium, Charleston Coffee Roasters has the honor of naming another rescued sea turtle.  

After the release of Jo the Sea Turtle in February, the Aquarium invited Charleston Coffee Roasters to enlist the public to help name another rescued sea turtle undergoing rehabilitation at the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center. An amazing 1,746 individuals submitted ideas — and “Java” was selected as the name for a rescued sea turtle.

Java is a juvenile green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) that was stranded on Hilton Head Island in the pluff mud. On August 9th, a local resident reported the turtle to South Carolina Department of Natural Resources (SCDNR), and Hilton Head Island Sea Turtle Patrol Team members responded. Thanks to the collaborative efforts from the community, this sick sea turtle was able to safely make it to the South Carolina Aquarium’s Sea Turtle Care Center.

Meet Java the Sea Turtle on the business’s website.

Congratulations to Angela W. from Wendell, NC for winning the Grand Prize for submitting the name Java. Angela will receive:

  • 2 Bags of Aquarium Blend coffee
  • 2 Bags of Beach House Blend coffee
  • 4 Tickets to The South Carolina Aquarium in Charleston, S.C.
  • The complete set of the Beach House Series (7 books!) signed by NY Times best-selling author Mary Alice Monroe

And congratulations to the 24 runners up who also submitted Java as a name idea and will receive 1 bag of Aquarium Blend and 1 bag of Beach House Blend.

Our community conservation effort is spearheaded by friends and longtime Charleston residents Mary Alice Monroe – the New York Times bestselling author of nearly 30 books with more than 8 million copies in print worldwide – and Lowell D. Grosse – Founder and President of Charleston Coffee Roasters.

Charleston Coffee Roasters is proud to support the efforts of the South Carolina Aquarium through our business. We are the lead sponsor of the Nutritional Care Program at the South Carolina Aquarium, which supplies more than 200 pounds of food daily for nearly 5,000 resident animals and sea turtles undergoing rehabilitation in the Sea Turtle Care Center.

“Aquarium Blend was developed to celebrate our partnership with the South Carolina Aquarium” said Grosse. “We are committed to conservation, and we appreciate everything the Aquarium does to save sea turtles and our natural environment.”

Monroe added, “I’m devoted to the environment and animal conservation, which are hallmarks of many of my novels. I am honored to support Lowell’s vision of giving back to my beloved Aquarium and its Sea Turtle Care Center through Charleston Coffee Roasters. Beach House Blend makes one powerful cup of coffee!”

“Like many of the patients undergoing rehabilitation in the South Carolina Aquarium Sea Turtle Care Center, Java was admitted with a long list of ailments that we have spent the past few weeks treating,” said Melissa Ranly, Sea Turtle Care Center Manager. “The road ahead is a long one, but it truly takes a village to ensure the survival of threatened and endangered sea turtles. We’re grateful for the multiple individuals, agencies and the community who enabled us to give this sea turtle a fighting chance.”

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