CCSD D10 Constituent School Board Releases Response to CCSD Board of Trustees Recent Actions
“To the Charleston County School District Board of Trustees:
We, the Charleston County D10 Constituent School Board, are writing to share our concern about recent school board issues that have negatively impacted CCSD and the community. As elected officials who often meet in executive session, we have an understanding and appreciation for the process. However, when the process is abused, you betray your oath as public servants, and you betray the trust of the your constituents. Constituent boards use executive session to protect the privacy of our students. When noticed on our agenda, there is a case number and specific infraction listed. Our in-depth knowledge of executive session procedures makes us acutely aware it is illegal to use vague language such as “disciplinary hearing” to describe agenda items. It is both illegal and unethical to only give information to certain board members. All information must be shared to each and every duly elected board member. The blatant disregard of legally mandated transparency from the CCSD Board of Trustees is concerning to say the least. The actions that have taken place under the guise of executive session are equally concerning. We have watched as board meetings have devolved into chaos as a result of the failures in transparency.
Dr. Eric Gallien was hired as Superintendent and began his contract on July 1, 2023. In his short time leading CCSD, the board has prevented him from doing the job he was hired to do. Policy has been presented to give the school board more governmental oversight over hiring practices, specifically regarding having fewer interim positions. Unfortunately, the board has not allowed Dr. Gallien to fill these interim positions as he sees fit.
One of the most puzzling interim positions the Superintendent has not been allowed to fill is that of Chief Academic Officer. Michelle Simmons has served as interim CAO since July 28, 2022. It is beneficial to have a highly qualified professional with such a thorough understanding of our district and community. From Burke alum to teacher to assistant principal to principal to Executive Director of Elementary Schools to Associate Superintendent of Elementary Schools, the deep knowledge of CCSD she has gained over the past 25 years is unparalleled. In that time she has been recognized with several awards and honors such as Mary Ford’s Teacher of the Year (2000), CCSD Star Principal of the Year (2014), and the School Leadership Executive Institute Inez Tenenbaum Award (2018). Her quiet, strong leadership style has seen proven results throughout her career. When Ms. Simmons applied for the Chief Academic Officer position with a national search firm, it was no surprise that from all the candidates across the country, a third party search firm concluded that she was the best candidate for the job.
However, contrary to the search firm’s findings, five members of the Board of Trustees did not see her fit to fill the position she has held for over a year. We have witnessed the public outcry from principals, teachers, staff, parents, and community members as a result of the frustrating obstruction of quality education for the scholars of CCSD.
Finally, it was alarming to see the Health Advisory Committee dismantled by the direction of one singular individual and support of four other board members. Health Advisory Committee members were prematurely removed from their terms without explanation. There was no input from the public, committee members, or district staff. Again, we see your lack of transparency rear its ugly head.
As fellow elected officials and representatives of the constituents of Charleston County School District, we urge the Board of Trustees to follow law and policy and operate with transparency. You must represent the best interests of ALL students, parents, administrators, teachers and staff when making governmental decisions. We have seen an unprecedented outpouring from our schools and taxpaying community members wanting the Board to do the following: Reinstate Dr. Eric Gallien in a timely manner, allow Michelle Simmons to be hired as Chief Academic Officer, and allow Health Advisory Committee members to finish their terms.
We hope you will honor your oath of office by doing what is right by the students of Charleston County School District.
Signed: CCSD D10 Constituent School Board Members
Rodney Lewis, Chairman
Joy Brown, Vice-chair
Janie Daniels, Secretary
Rev. Patricia Jones”