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South Carolina ETV Gardening and Horticulture show “Making It Grow” Celebrates 30 years



Press Release

The Emmy Award-winning series Making It Grow celebrates its 30th anniversary of bringing horticultural knowledge to households across the Palmetto State on Oct. 12. From its inception in 1993, the South Carolina ETV and Public Radio (SCETV) gardening and horticulture show has evolved from a monthly gardening program to a weekly, must-see show on ETV’s network of television stations and digital platforms.

For three decades, Making It Grow has been the trusted companion for gardening enthusiasts and environmental advocates alike. Produced at SCETV’s regional studio, ETV Sumter, the show takes viewers on a journey through the state, offering insights into a wide array of gardening, agricultural and environmental topics.

Each week, Host Amanda McNulty from Clemson Extension along with Clemson Extension Master Gardener State Coordinator Agent Terasa Lott offer research-based information and answer viewer questions on a variety of topics. Additionally, McNulty offers brief gardening tips and techniques on Making It Grow Minutes, a segment produced by SC Public Radio in partnership with Clemson University’s Extension Service.

Over the years, Making It Grow has featured experienced Clemson Extension agents, horticulturists, farmers, fishermen, artisans, beekeepers, innovators, chefs, educators and more. Their passion and expertise have enriched the lives of South Carolinians and transformed backyards, gardens and communities throughout the state.

In celebration of this milestone achievement, the ETV Endowment of South Carolina and SCETV hosted a special Making It Grow 30th-anniversary celebration on Monday, Sept. 25 at the Sumter Opera House. The evening was a tribute to the people who have made Making It Grow an invaluable resource for South Carolinians as well as an opportunity to connect gardening enthusiasts and those who share a passion for the environment.

Adding to the 30th-anniversary celebration, classic segments of Making It Grow began airing on Aug. 8, allowing viewers to relive some of the show’s most memorable moments. The Making It Grow team is also scheduled to make an appearance at the SC State Fair on Oct. 18 at 4 p.m. at SCETV’s exhibit in the Ellison Building. In addition to this special meet-and-greet opportunity, the team will be recording segments for an upcoming episode during the State Fair to be broadcast at a later date.

Making It Grow is a production of SCETV and Clemson University and is supported by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture, The Boyd Foundation, McLeod Farms, The South Carolina Farm Bureau Federation and Farm Bureau Insurance, and Boone Hall Farms.

As we continue marking this significant milestone, viewers and listeners are invited to join SCETV in celebrating 30 years of growth, learning and community. Learn more about Making It Grow on the SCETV website, or interact with the Making It Grow team on their Facebook page.

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