New Data Reveals that October is the Most Dangerous Month to Drive in SC
A new ranking has revealed the deadliest time, day, and month to drive in South Carolina – with the most dangerous hour across the state coming out as between 9 pm and 10 pm, the riskiest day being Saturday, and the most treacherous month October.
The ranking, created by injury lawyers Bader Scott, analyzed fatal accidents reported by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) over the last five years, to determine which hour, day of the week, and month is the worst for drivers in each state.
While South Carolina may be dangerous at times, the safest hours to drive are between 9 am and 10 am, with Wednesday being the safest day, and February named the month with the lowest collisions.
The analysis also reveals which hour, day and month is the most dangerous on a national scale – and it turns out the worst month is October, as drivers are 1.2% more likely to be involved in a fatal accident this month than they are at any other time of the year.
Meanwhile, Saturday came out as the deadliest day of the week on US roads, while the most dangerous hour every day was between 6 and 7pm.
Drivers are a huge 1.21 times more likely to die on Saturday than on any other day – while the weekend (Fri-Sun) carries a 26% higher fatality rate than during the working week.
On the other end of the scale, the safest days to drive each week were Tuesday and Wednesday, while the safest hour to drive nationally is between 4 am and 5 am – suggesting those with extra early work commutes will be far safer than those who travel in rush hour.