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Lane Splitting Laws: Legal Complexities and Their Impact on Motorcycle Accident Claims That Any Good Accident Claim Lawyer Will Want You To Know



Riding a motorcycle can be an exhilarating experience. The freedom of the open road, the feel of the wind, and the sheer power of the machine all make motorcycling an attractive mode of transportation for many. However, with this freedom comes increased risk. Motorcycle riders are significantly more vulnerable in crashes compared to people in enclosed vehicles. Because of this, it’s crucial for motorcyclists to understand the unique legal considerations surrounding motorcycle accidents.

One such consideration is the practice of lane splitting. Lane splitting refers to when a motorcyclist rides in between lanes of stopped or slow-moving traffic. This practice is legal in some states, like California, but illegal in others. The legality of lane splitting has major implications for determining fault and liability in motorcycle crashes. As an injured motorcyclist considering making an accident claim, here’s what you need to know about lane-splitting laws.

The Complex Legality of Lane Splitting

Whether or not lane splitting is legal depends entirely on the state.

In California, lane splitting has been legally recognized and codified in the vehicle code since 2016. Guidelines for safe lane splitting, suggest riders should not exceed 10 mph faster than surrounding traffic and avoid splitting lanes over 30 mph.

Other states like Utah and Montana permit lane filtering, allowing cyclists to move to the front of traffic when stopped at intersections.

However, the majority of states still prohibit lane splitting entirely. In these states, riding between lanes is illegal and may be a citable offense. This is in spite of the fact that some studies show that lane-splitting is safe for motorcycles.

The patchwork of laws surrounding lane-splitting makes it difficult to determine fault in motorcycle crashes, especially those involving multiple states. The legality of the maneuver must be considered based on where the accident occurred.

How Lane Splitting Impacts Claims and Liability

If you’ve been injured in an accident while lane splitting, the legality of the practice will be a major determining factor in your potential injury claim.

In states where lane splitting is illegal, you may be considered fully or partially at fault for causing the crash. Engaging in an unlawful driving maneuver can greatly weaken your injury claim and reduce any potential payout you receive. Insurance companies will argue you bear responsibility for violating traffic laws against lane splitting.

However, in California and other states where lane splitting is legal, the implications are different. If you were riding in a safe and prudent manner consistent with the lane-splitting guidelines, the fault likely lies with the other motorist involved in the collision. You have a right to split lanes and other drivers have a duty to anticipate and look out for motorcyclists.

Liability can become more complicated if you were splitting lanes in an unsafe manner like riding at excessive speeds. But as long as you adhere to the lane-splitting laws and guidance provided in your state, you should be able to make a strong injury claim against the at-fault driver.

Steps to Take After a Motorcycle Collision

If you are ever injured in a motorcycle crash, here are some key steps to take:

  • Seek medical attention immediately, even for minor injuries. This will document your condition.
  • Report the crash to the police and cooperate with any investigation. Make sure the police report accurately reflects what occurred.
  • Gather information including license plate numbers, insurance details, contact info for witnesses, and any photos or videos of the accident scene.
  • Avoid admitting fault or discussing the accident with anyone besides the police and your attorney. What you say can be used against you.
  • Consult with a qualified motorcycle accident attorney as soon as possible. They can start building your claim right away.
  • Follow your doctor’s course of treatment. Don’t refuse care or downplay your injuries. Keep records of all diagnoses, treatments, and expenses.
  • Notify your own auto insurance provider about the accident and whether you intend to file a claim. There may be relevant coverage like medical payments or uninsured motorist coverage that applies.
  • Contact the at-fault driver’s insurer once you have legal representation. Let your accident claim lawyer handle communication with insurers.
  • Do not sign any documents or accept a settlement offer from insurers without consulting your attorney. You need expert advice to maximize your compensation.

Taking these steps will put you in the optimal position to receive full and fair compensation for your motorcycle accident injuries and damages. Don’t hesitate to act.

Gathering Evidence After a Motorcycle Accident

If you are ever injured in a motorcycle collision, it is crucial that you gather as much evidence and documentation as possible at the scene. This evidence will be essential for building your injury claim and proving your case. Here are some key types of evidence to collect:

  • Photos and video: Use your smartphone to take photos and video of the accident scene, involved vehicles, road conditions, traffic signs or signals, skid marks, and any property damage. This visual evidence gives your accident claim lawyer a clear picture of what happened.
  • Police report: Provide accurate details to the responding officer so the police report reflects your recollection of how the crash occurred. Get the report number and request a copy.
  • Witness statements: Obtain contact information and written statements from any witnesses, including their full names, phone numbers, addresses, and details of what they observed. Witnesses can verify your version of events.
  • Medical records: Keep copies of all your diagnosis and treatment records, as well as expenses like receipts and billing statements. This documents the extent of your injuries and monetary damages.
  • Insurance information: Get the at-fault driver’s insurance details including their provider, policy number, claim contact, and coverage limits. This facilitates filing your injury claim.

Having this evidence strengthens your case tremendously. Be sure to consult an accident claim lawyer before speaking to insurers so you don’t jeopardize your claim.

The Insurance Claims Process After a Motorcycle Accident

Pursuing compensation after a motorcycle accident involves navigating the complex insurance claims process. This is where having an experienced accident claim lawyer on your side becomes absolutely vital.

Here’s what to expect with the claims process:

  • Notice of claim: Your accident claim lawyer will formally notify the at-fault driver’s insurance company that you are making an injury claim against their policy. This puts them on notice.
  • Investigation: The insurer will investigate the circumstances of the accident, including your alleged injuries. They may request your medical authorizations or even hire investigators to scrutinize you.
  • Evaluation: Based on their investigation findings, the insurance company will evaluate liability and assess the value of your claim. Their initial settlement offer is likely to be low.
  • Negotiation: Your attorney will negotiate firmly with the insurer, backed up by evidence, to demand full and fair injury compensation on your behalf. This is rarely achieved without legal representation.
  • Settlement: Once an agreeable settlement amount is reached through negotiation, you’ll sign a release of claims in exchange for the settlement check. Your accident claim lawyer will ensure the settlement adequately covers your present and future accident-related losses.

Litigation: If the insurer refuses to settle in good faith, your attorney can file a lawsuit against the at-fault driver seeking maximum compensation. But settlements avoid the time and expense of going to court.

Having a tenacious accident claim lawyer fighting for you each step of the way can potentially increase your claim settlement value exponentially compared to handling it alone. Don’t leave money on the table.

The Costs Associated with Motorcycle Accidents

Suffering injuries in a motorcycle collision can become extremely costly for the victims. Between medical bills, lost income, motorcycle repair or replacement costs, and other damages, expenses quickly add up. Some monetary costs accident victims may face include:

  • Emergency medical treatment – ER visits, ambulance transportation, surgery, and hospitalization stays can cost tens of thousands of dollars without health insurance. There may be out-of-pocket costs even with coverage.
  • Ongoing medical care – Follow-up doctor visits, physical therapy, medications, medical devices, and home health aides are often necessary during recovery. These frequent treatments result in high costs over time.
  • Lost wages – Inability to work due to injuries causes lost income. For serious or permanent disabilities, the cumulative lost earnings over a lifetime career can be massive. Replacement income may be required.
  • Reduced earning capacity – Even after recovering, disabling injuries may impact one’s ability to work certain jobs or work full-time, reducing future earning potential.
  • Motorcycle repair or replacement – The bike itself often sustains major damage in collisions requiring expensive repairs or becoming totaled. Replacing a destroyed motorcycle can be a huge expense.
  • Pain and suffering – The physical pain of injuries and emotional distress of an accident warrants compensation. Catastrophic injuries like spinal cord damage or amputation carry very high pain and suffering values.

These monetary damages can devastate accident victims and their families financially. With the help of an experienced accident claim lawyer, you can pursue maximum compensation through an injury claim to cover your costs. Don’t take on the financial burden alone.

Long-Term Impacts of Motorcycle Injuries

Beyond the immediate costs of a motorcycle accident, injury victims are often left with long-term physical, emotional, and financial impacts that significantly alter their lives. Some long-term consequences may include:

  • Permanent disability – Amputations, spinal cord injuries, traumatic brain injuries, and other severe trauma can leave permanent impairments and disabilities. This affects mobility, employment, independence, and quality of life.
  • Chronic pain – Injuries like broken bones or damaged soft tissues may result in chronic pain due to permanent nerve damage or arthritis. Ongoing pain requires regular treatment and limits normal activity.
  • Psychological problems – Many accident victims develop PTSD, depression, or anxiety in the aftermath of a traumatic collision. These psychological issues may require extensive counseling and psychiatric care.
  • Reduced life expectancy – In the most extreme cases, catastrophic injuries sustained can directly reduce one’s lifespan due to secondary complications.
  • Lost quality of life – When disabilities or chronic medical problems occur, accident victims lose their ability to participate in activities, hobbies, or life milestones they previously enjoyed. Daily life changes dramatically.
  • Family/relationship strains – Caring for an injured family member, changing personality due to head trauma, and financial stress may negatively impact family dynamics and relationships.

Coping with these profound lifestyle changes in addition to massive medical bills can feel completely overwhelming. An attorney can help motorcycle crash victims regain stability through maximum compensation. Don’t go it alone.

Why Hiring an Accident Claim Lawyer is Worth It

After a motorcycle crash, the most important decision you can make is to hire an experienced accident claim lawyer to handle your claim. Even though an attorney will take a percentage of your settlement as their fee, their services are well worth the cost. Hiring a lawyer, such as the Husain Law + Associates, PC motorcycle lawyers dramatically improves claim outcomes and is the smart financial choice.

Here’s why:

  • Maximize compensation – Lawyers are experienced negotiators who know how to demand top-dollar settlements from insurers. A skilled negotiator can likely recover far more compensation for you than you could obtain on your own. Their fee pays for itself by increasing your total payout.
  • Establish liability – Proving the other motorist was at fault is key. An attorney can build a strong liability case with evidence like accident reconstruction, police reports, and witness testimony. An accident claim lawyer also understands legal defenses to defeat insurer arguments trying to shift blame onto you. Liability is the foundation for a successful claim.
  • Handle legal process – Navigating insurance claims, negotiating settlements, filing a lawsuit and other legal processes is extremely complex. An attorney has the expertise to handle the myriad details, freeing you to focus on recovery. Trying to handle a serious injury claim on your own can be overwhelming.
  • Level playing field – Insurance companies have attorneys representing their interests. You need an experienced accident claim lawyer fighting for your interests to even the odds. Going up against insurers alone is like bringing a knife to a gunfight.

Don’t take chances with your claim and future well-being. The benefits of hiring an attorney far outweigh the costs. Protect yourself and your recovery by enlisting the power of legal representation.

Conclusion: Protect Your Rights After a Motorcycle Accident

Suffering devastating injuries in a motorcycle crash can completely upend your life. You may face massive medical bills, lost income, lowered quality of life, and long-term disability. Pursuing fair compensation through an accident injury claim is your path to recovery. But legal complexities around motorcycle accidents and insurance claims make legal help absolutely essential.

Lane splitting laws that determine liability, gathering evidence to prove your case, negotiating skillfully with insurers, and handling legal processes all require expert legal guidance. Without an experienced accident claim lawyer, you risk having your claim denied or settling for lower compensation than you deserve.

Don’t gamble with your future – hire an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer to protect your rights and maximize your claim value.

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