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Most Convenient Rubbish Collection Methods in Leichhardt



Poor management of waste has always been a pressing matter that is quite alarming. Whether we want to admit it or not, every home contributes its quota to the generation of waste. When collective effort is made to properly dispose of it, management becomes simpler.

Rubbish or waste as some may call it is something that is generated daily in our homes and environment. This is because of the things we use. Once they are finished, it is left for us to dispose of them. How this rubbish is being disposed of is something that we need to take into consideration.

Looking for a more convenient way to dispose of this rubbish is very important. This will help keep our environment clean and keep us free from sickness and diseases. This article will explain what rubbish collection is and highlight some ways we can collect it properly and conveniently.

What is Rubbish Collection?

Rubbish collection, which is also known as waste collection, is the process of gathering solid waste from the place it was used to the place where it will be disposed of.  The essence of the collection is to prevent environmental pollution. This pollution can begin to breed insects and animals and spread diseases if not handled well.

There are ways in which this rubbish can be collected so that it does not litter the environment. It can be put in plastic bags, waste bins baskets, and so on before the waste collection vehicle transfers them to where they are either used as a landfill or to a treatment facility. Sometimes, the waste is burned but this could lead to air pollution.

Rubbish Collection Methods for Homes and Offices

There are ways rubbish can be managed to avoid environmental pollution or the spread of diseases. These ways are known as waste disposal strategies. These strategies are to ensure that the waste is collected in an economical and timely manner.

However, the management of rubbish must start from individuals and the home. Once we can start from there, then managing it at the community level will become easier. Following these simple strategies will help reduce the piling of rubbish in Leichhardt.

The Use of Waste Bin

It is very important to have a waste bin where one can properly dispose of the waste generated in your household. Some containers are cost-effective, which one can buy. This container can serve for a long time. Most of these waste bins come with lids which will help reduce the bad smell that may emanate from the refuse.

Segregation of Waste

Most of the refuse generated constitutes about 30-40% of organic waste which is produced in the home. It also contains materials that are recyclable like glass, plastic, metals, and so on. This method helps reduce the stress on those who are handling the refuse. This segregation also helps them to easily identify those that will be useful for landfills, or the ones that will be recycled.


Rubbish reuse can add to a better management of solid waste. When proper utilization of items that will be used many times is purchased, it reduces the generation of rubbish. This in turn, helps waste management authorities to be able to conveniently collect rubbish.


Recycling as we know is the turning of any form of rubbish into something useful or new. When most of the rubbish generated is recyclable, it saves the area and the population of humans from negative impacts caused by waste. Therefore, if most of the things used at home or by individuals are recyclable, then waste generation is reduced.


In as much as rubbish is something that is generated daily, it can also be reduced. Waste reduction is a way that can be practiced when dealing with paper, plastic, and food. For example, when preparing food, one should be able to cook moderately to prevent leftovers. To minimize the littering of papers, it’s recommended to go digital.


Composting is a method whereby food leftovers are put in a pit and left to decay. The decayed substance can then be used as manure to improve the quality of the soil. It is known by experts that 30% of the waste generated at home can be reduced when the composting method is used. Using this method enables individuals to do their quota in eliminating the rubbish disposal crisis.


Items that we no longer need can be donated to charity. Instead of throwing away some items we may no longer need like clothes, furniture, shoes, and so on, we could give them to those who need them. This will reduce the littering of waste materials. Also, we can rescue the planet and maintain hygiene.

Rubbish Collection Methods in Leichhardt

Now that we’ve discussed the various methods of rubbish collection in the home and offices, let’s turn our attention to waste collection in Leichhardt as a whole. This information will help you choose the most convenient collection method.

We must however mention that the convenience you’d enjoy will depend on your location, the waste services around you, and your budget. You can  visit to get an idea of how much it will cost you to secure the services of a waste collection company. With that said, let’s explore in detail these amazing methods you can choose from.

Drop off Centers

A lot of communities have centers where those who reside there can easily take their trash at their convenience. This also promotes the daily disposal of refuse. Once one can locate the one closest to them, it will not allow them to pile up dirt unnecessarily at home.

Curbside Collection

Some management companies offer these services where residents put their trash at the curb on the days assigned. This does not require them to transport the refuse to a centralized location, an option which makes it more convenient for them.

Private Services

There are waste management services that are self-owned. This kind of service is more convenient for those who have specific needs that other companies may not be able to meet. Also, for individuals who live in an area where there is municipal service, hiring the service of a private operator would be best.

Pay as You Throw

This kind of system is where residents of a community pay for their rubbish based on the amount of rubbish generated. There is nothing like having to pay a fixed amount when the waste is not equivalent to the money paid. So, the more waste generated, the more money you must pay, and vice versa.

Special Collection

Some areas offer this service for items in bulk, damaged electronics, materials that are hazardous, etc. This makes disposal of these items easier as they could not fit in the dustbin. Also, it helps the owner dispose of these things and not store them in the home unnecessarily.

Choosing the most convenient method depends on your resources and specific circumstances. Therefore, one needs to be aware of the rules and regulations governing the environment in which one lives. This will help you take the necessary steps to minimize the generation of refuse.

Working with a rubbish collection company means that you will have your refuse properly handled. But this comes with certain a commitment on your part. Like having to pay either monthly, same-day removal, or pay as you throw. Whichever one you must ensure that you are aware of the days they are coming to empty your waste bin.

So, it is important to get an efficient company. This means you need to carry out research or make inquiries from those living in the area who are already using one. In turn, you end up getting the best company to collect your waste.

Effects of Improper Rubbish Disposal

Removal of rubbish is not complete if it is not properly disposed of. This is crucial because there are adverse effects when refuse is not effectively disposed of. Some of these effects are:

Land Pollution

The land ends up being polluted when refuse materials get to it. These materials don’t just sit there, they break down either by rotting or over time weathering. This causes the environment to absorb pollution and in turn becomes dangerous for animals and humans.

Water Pollution

Any refuse that does not go into a landfill or other areas where it can be disposed of which eventually finds its way into water. It then undergoes the breaking down process and slowly contaminates the water. Hence, it becomes harmful for human consumption and animals that live in water. As water tends to travel, it will flow to other water bodies and contaminate them.

Death of Plants and Animals

When some chemicals or substances find their way into the soil, it affects the nutrients that help the plants to grow. The plants do not grow well and produce fruits as they ought to. Some end up dying, not being able to survive the harshness of the chemicals.

Negative Impact on Humans

The disposal of refuse has an impact on human life, whether directly or indirectly. If the refuse is disposed of properly, it increases the chance of effecting a major change in solving the issue of waste. It is then dependent on the effort we put in to ensure that lives are saved and not destroyed because of improper rubbish removal.


As much as we take other areas of our lives very seriously, we must also take rubbish removal much more seriously. This directly or indirectly affects us and the environment at large. This article has explained the ways rubbish collection is collected and some of the effects it can have if not disposed of properly. This should assist us in looking for a more convenient disposal plan that works for us.

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