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The Role of Technology in South Carolina’s Agriculture Industry



Historically, South Carolina’s economy has been driven by its agriculture sector with  over 25,000 farms, and $50 billion in annual revenue. This may not be the case anymore, but  in this article, we’ll discuss how technology is helping the agricultural sectors continue to  contribute to the state’s economy.


Commercial beekeeping took off as an industry in South Carolina in the middle of the 1800s,  and the state now produces around 800,000 pounds of honey per year. Due to its mild  climate, honey production can take place throughout the year, as bees and beekeepers are able  to work through the winter.

Source: Unsplash

In recent years, many environmental factors have put bees at risk, and new technology will be  paramount in ensuring their survival. For example, ApisProtect is a company based in Ireland  that has used AI and IoT technology to alert beekeepers if there are problems in their hives.  The importance of bees in the ecosystem is now widely recognized, with governments and  communities having implemented initiatives to increase awareness.

This spotlight on bees and their survival has seen a recent cross-over into the entertainment  industry. In the gambling industry, casinos offer numerous titles, like the slot game Bee  Frenzy, allowing gamers to play online casino slots and bring bees to the digital world. While  there are numerous nature documentaries dedicated to learning more about the creatures, a  sign of their crossover into mainstream interest can be seen in Netflix’s recently released  “Beckham” documentary where David Beckham was seen tending bees in his garden. As  more is learned about their plight and the need to protect the species, the sector is sure to see  more technological advancements in the coming years.


Broilers and turkeys are widely farmed in South Carolina, while chicken eggs are also  produced within the state. It ranks 13th on the nationwide list for broiler production and  produces 235 million per year, with close to 800 farms statewide. Recently, sustainability has  become a talking point in relation to poultry farming, and new technology, such as robot technology, has had a positive impact. This technology encourages more movement among  the broilers and turkeys, which can improve bird health, stimulate fertility, and reduce waste.

Source: Unsplash

Fruit and vegetables 

South Carolina ranks first in the country for turnip greens production and is second for the  production of kale as well as peaches. Between the mild climate and well-draining, fertile  soils, the state has the perfect combination when it comes to farming. However, it too has

seen the increasing impact of technology. AI now helps farmers with planning and  measurement, helping to reduce waste and improve sustainability, which improves the quality  and yield of their farms. As with the honey production industry, we have seen a cross-over of  fruit and vegetable farming into the entertainment sector, with the gaming sector awash with  titles that offer gamers the chance to look after virtual farms.

South Carolina also counts aerospace, biotechnology, and logistics as important industries  and some of the largest companies in the world base themselves there, such as Google, GE  Motors, and Boeing. It’s clear to see that technology is playing an important role in the state,  not just in the agriculture industry.

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