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7 Proven Tips to Have a Better Sleep at Night



Sleep is such an important part of your life. It is a way to restore your energy and heal your body so you are ready for the next day. An average person spends about 25 years sleeping in their life, which tells a lot about how important sleep is.

If you find yourself struggling to fall asleep or waking up tired, here are some tips to help you get a more restful experience.

1. Exercise

Physical activity is a great way to help regulate your body, and this translates to better quality sleep at night. Exercise is crucial in helping transport oxygen around your body to your muscles. Many studies have shown that exercise also has benefits in decreasing levels of anxiety, stress, and feelings of depression. When you exercise, your body attempts to lower your body temperature as a reaction to naturally increased temperature, and this trigger of cooling helps you relax and fall asleep better. Your quality of sleep will also increase as this fatigue ensures a deeper sleep.

2. Separate Work From Your Bedroom

Stress and anxiety are some of the biggest causes of insomnia, not only preventing sleep but resulting in poor quality sleep. If you feel stressed, you might notice that you are waking up more often in the middle of the night or that you are feeling tired in the mornings. In order to help you get a better night’s sleep, you need to reduce your stress and one of the ways to do that is to ensure that you keep your business outside of your room. Try to separate your work from your place of relaxation. This change will help get you in a mindset that is free of worry when you get in bed for the night.

3. Relaxation Techniques

In addition to changing your environment, practicing certain techniques, and carrying specific habits prior to bed can also put you in a more relaxed state. Changing your surroundings is helpful, but you can still carry stress and anxieties with you. This is where practices such as meditation, yoga, or breathing techniques from are effective. Taking a few minutes to destress and unwind will result in the ability to fall asleep faster and get quality rest.

4. The Right Mattress

Mattresses matter a lot when it comes to your sleep because they can have a significant effect on your sleep quality. Older mattresses, in particular, need to be changed if they are causing trouble not only with sleeping but your body in the form of aches and pains. People have different preferences when it comes to the hardness of their mattress, as some people prefer to sleep on softer surfaces that form to your body, while others prefer to sleep on more rigid bed tops. As seen at this URL there are options for those that share beds to adjust your surface feel on different sides, providing a revelation for sleepers with different comfort levels. You should learn what mattress suits you and provides you with your optimal sleep.

5. Sleep On A Regular Schedule

Routine is an important aspect of training the human body. You get into habits and patterns, recognizing certain triggers or falling into schedules helps with any adjustments. If you keep to your daily routines, you can train your body to feel tired right before bed and translate to better sleep. Make sure to visit BetterTools for an informative guide to sleeping better.

6. Stay Off Screens

The colors and bright lights of screens and displays are detrimental to your ability to sleep. The activity engages your eyes and your brain, putting you in a more wakeful state of being. Using your phones, playing games, or watching TV can be problematic right before bed as this activity will do the opposite of what you are trying to achieve. It is best to put the screens away and if you have to do anything, choose a more friendly activity right before bed such as journaling or reading.

7. Be Wary Of Foods And Drinks Before Bed

It is never a good idea to eat right before bed. There are many issues and problems you can run into with digestion if you are eating right before bed. Not only will you have a difficult time falling asleep, but the quality of sleep will also suffer. Additionally, it is best to cut down the sugars and caffeine right before bed as this is another way in which you will struggle with your ability to get some rest. Do yourself a favor and cut down on coffee before you head to bed and eat at least 4 hours ahead so you have time to properly digest your food.

In addition, pay attention to any symptoms or signs of sleep problems that have been going on for quite some time, and address them without delay. You may have to use a continuous positive airway pressure, or CPAP, machine for sleep apnea and make changes to your lifestyle, as needed. These you will know when you see a doctor or a sleep specialist.

Since you spend a huge portion of your life sleeping, you should do what you can to ensure you aren’t stressing yourself over it, and that it is as restful as possible. The better your sleep, the more productive your days will be, and you will see an overall benefit in your life as well. Before long all of these changes will just become part of your life.

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