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What to Consider When Installing a Garden Fence



Having a fence around your garden is the best way to ensure your privacy and separate your garden from your neighbours’. Your fence can also change the look of your garden if you put some thought into it and consider aesthetics.

Installing a garden fence panel does not have to be a complicated job and can easily be achieved, but there are a few things that you must consider to ensure you do the best job possible. In this article, we will discuss what things you must consider before installing a garden fence.

1. Check in with Your Next-Door Neighbours

First and foremost, before you decide to install a garden fence, or modify the possibly existent one already, you must ensure that this is your responsibility. Obviously, the fence will separate both properties and this will be shared by both parties. Your contract should tell you whether fencing is your responsibility.

Even if it is your right to install a fence, or modify it, this will still impact your neighbours. Not only the fence will also change their garden and their view, the work you will put into installing the fence may be long and noisy and cause disruptions to the neighbours.

As a courtesy gesture, you should discuss this with the people living next to you so that they are aware of it. Additionally, try to work within reasonable hours so that it disrupts others as much as possible. When installing a fence, it would be easier if you can access both sides of it, therefore having your neighbours approval would make this easier.

2. Type of Fence You Need

Before going to the store to get the materials you need, you need to decide on the type of fence you need. There are different reasons people install fences – you may want to avoid pets running away from the garden, or to block neighbours’ view into your garden to provide you with some privacy.

The type of fence you get will differ depending on what your needs are. You may opt to get a wire fence, to keep animals in or out of your area, or something much more substantial and durable such as wooden fence panels in order to ensure privacy.

The latter option would also be sturdier against strong winds and natural occurrences such as tornadoes, which is something you may have to consider, depending on where you live. Check out for expert fence installation and the most extensive selections of designs, styles, and quality fence materials at affordable prices.


3. Consider Legalities

Installing a garden fence does not have to be a difficult job to accomplish. However, you must abide by the best practice guidelines. Failure to do so, not only will overcomplicate the job, it will also make your fence susceptible to damage, potentially causing a hazard.

This may be the last thing on your mind when thinking of installing a fence, however every area is different and there are usual laws associated with garden fencing and you must check these with your local authority before mounting a fence. For example, if your garden faces a main road or rests on a corner, a high enough fence could potentially block drivers’ vision – the hazards and potential risks associated with this could cause you to face legal issues with the authorities, and you will want to avoid this.

4. Prep the Area

After you have decided on what type of fence you need and got the materials you required to complete the job, you must prepare the area. Clear the vegetation on the location where your fence will be. Also, apply a weed killer product to ensure wanted flora does not grow around the fence.

Moreover, it is essential that you check where water pipes are located so that you do not damage these in the process. Installing a fence may be more difficult than you think, therefore you can consider hiring custom welding contractors to do the job in a professional manner. This way you can ensure that your fence is well installed, if you do not have the required skills or the time to do this yourself.

5. Consider Your Climate

This is something you may not really consider, however, as mentioned previously the weather conditions of where you live can impact the condition of the fence.  During warm weather, wood is more likely to be subject to water damage, whereas cold weather conditions can cause fence panels to easily snap.

For a job well done you can follow the tips discussed above. If you are not sure about getting about accomplishing this job yourself, there are also many professionals available to do this for you – either way you will surely be able to successfully install your garden fence.

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