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Covid-19 Lockdown Has Caused a Sex Doll Boom



Regardless of your line of work or lifestyle, Covid-19 has disrupted our daily lives. Schools have since been closed, and sporting events put on hold. And though some of the events are resuming, they’re all coming back with strict regulations, including empty stadiums and firm hygiene measures.

Governments around the world have since developed policies to cushion the economy and avoid recessions. And while there’s minimal effort being put to enhance mental health, people seem to have taken the initiative by themselves. According to sex doll testers and vendors worldwide, dream dolls’ demand has skyrocketed ever since the World Health Organization (WHO) classified the virus as a pandemic.

More people are jumping ship with the sale of realistic sex dolls and sex apparel at an all-time high. The surge underlines the importance of sex dolls in curbing loneliness, especially now that the lockdown restrictions have separated families and friends.

What’s more, the sudden demand for sex dolls makes sexuality and relationship experts very important. During such a time, scammers target first-time sex doll buyers, and access to the right information can make a huge difference between an awful and exciting first-time sex doll use experience. Tim Larson from My Sex Toy Guide has seen a huge interest in sex dolls, with hundreds emailing him for sex doll use advice.

The Wake-up Call

In a recent interview, Tim dubbed the surge as the first one of its kind. “As soon as the first case was announced in the Canada, people started reaching out. We started receiving a higher number of inquiries, something that has carried on throughout the pandemic. People wanted to know more about how to use and live with a sex doll in Canada.”

“The number of visits on our website tripled as more people were looking for truthful information and sex doll reviews. We didn’t know how to react to the sudden spike in inquiries at first, but soon enough, we got the hang of it.”

According to Tim, most of the inquiries have been from first-time sex doll users. People that were initially ‘undecided’ on the subject were now ready to experience it. “Most of the questions that we’ve received are consistent with what a newbie would like to know. From the use, maintenance, and grooming, there was no doubt that a large percentage of the population was finally preparing to experience the throttle.”

Singles and Couples Alike

To many, sex dolls are a reserve for single people looking to bust a nut ‘more wholesomely.’ However, that couldn’t be further from what these exciting dolls can do. Tim says that sex dolls are just as resourceful to married couples as they are for single lads. In fact, many of the recommendation requests have been from married couples. “Either the husband wanted to surprise the wife or both partners were looking to spice up their sex life.”

And while couples buying sex dolls is not a new thing in the industry, Tim emphasizes that the pandemic only amplified the numbers. “Both singles and couples didn’t want to be locked at home alone. And with the strict movement restrictions, most of them found sex dolls very useful, which only goes to show how dynamic these pleasure goddesses can be.”

Tim also pointed out that the pandemic and sex doll interest did not spare My Sex Toy Guide family. “From my lovely wife Sandra to Rachel, the senior editor, and our LGBTQ contributor, Shayne, we’ve all been called to work. It’s been a new experience for all of us, but we’ve been more than happy to own the new normal. Anyway, our goal has been to inform, engage, and inspire actions towards improving our readers’ sex life.”

Embracing the new normal

Like any other business, My Sex Toy Guide has had to adapt to the new normal. According to the rather charming family guy, they had to bring in new faces, including writers to ensure their readers were always up to date. “The pandemic has underlined our importance as conduits in the sex doll industry, and remaining at the top of the game has never been more important,” he starts.

“We’ve brought in a few new faces to keep up with the demand while still developing new strategies to engage with our readers more efficiently. We understand the importance of quick and effective information distribution, and we’ve strived to maintain a consistent flow regardless of the challenges.”

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