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The Biggest Events And News In South Carolina



When most people think about the United States, they don’t tend to think of South Carolina as one of the most happening states. Well, this would be a complete mistake. To disregard the state would almost be criminal. There are also a lot of exciting and entertaining things going on in the area. Of course, not such much anymore, given that COVID has mostly everyone on lockdown. Regardless, it is now more important for the citizens of the area to pay close attention to what is going on. While this might be much harder than one might imagine, there are sites like this one available and dedicated to bringing you the latest in the area. Here are the biggest stories and events that locals need to know about.

Columbia, South Carolina

After nearly six months in lockdown, it has just been announced that people can now legally visit relatives and friends in South Carolina nursing homes and residential care facilities. Unfortunately, there are still no hugs, kiss, or contact of any kind allowed, but at least there will be face to face meetings. These might have to take place outside the facility, but at least the weather is nice. Governor Henry McMasters announced these new guidelines for visitation on Tuesday, which requires guests to give full contact information and pass a temperature check. In addition to this, there also has to be no COVID-19 cases in staff or residents in the past two weeks as well as social distancing and masks worn at all times. Cases of COVID in the area are luckily leveling off as students are now even headed back to public school.

Charleston, South Carolina

Citizens of the area aren’t forgetting about those horrible protests that took place during the month of May. They also aren’t forgetting about the reports and charges that were filed against 27 of the protesters for break curfew violation and failing to disperse when ordered. The entire situation was a total mess, as police ended up arresting 41 people that night. Well, locals of the area can rest easy now knowing that charges have been dropped against dozens of protesters who were arrested on that faithful May night.


Columbia, South Carolina

Going back to Columbia, anyone in the area looking to play Bally Wulff online has no doubt a variety of options at their fingertips. There are currently a number of quality online players offering this slot-style game. And, they are offering it for real cash. That being said, you’ll still want to be careful as to which provider you choose. Choosing a quality provider like the one mentioned here will only make your venture safer and more fruitful. This is just the reach the Internet and social media has these days.

A police officer in Columbia can tell you the same thing, as he was fired two days ago after videos were posted on social media of him making racial slurs and comments. A disciplinary panel unanimously agreed on Monday that the Columbia Police SGT. Chad Walker broke department policies concerning the neglect of duty and courtesy when he made a racial slur during a confrontation outside a bar on Saturday night. The officer claims that someone at the bar during closing time made the same slurs at him, but when it comes right down to it, this doesn’t justify his use of the words and slurs. Especially not, given that he is a man of blue. He should be trying to set a higher example for the locals and his officers under him.


The nation is currently waiting for a vaccine that will end this horrible pandemic. However, if the vaccine does arrive, it will likely only create more problems. First, it will likely require two doses. Given the lack of staff, money, and tools to distribute the vaccine, it will only cause more problems. These are just some of the things that dozens of nurses and doctors had to say who was interviewed by Kaiser Health News and The Associated Express. That being said, it wasn’t just their concern about the country’s readiness to conduct mass vaccinations that were addressed during the interview. They also raised the very questions of who would conduct the vaccines and how the doses will be tracked as well as how workers who give the shots will be kept safe. All viable concerns!

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