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Top 3 Essentials for Any New Roofing Business



One of the issues that often come with running a brand new business successfully is the fact that a new company is often so vulnerable to the slightest mishap that it can be challenging to think of pursuing anything that might put the business at risk.

Your roofing business is no different. A new business will always be vulnerable, which is why it is best to make as many preparations as you can in order to ensure that you will be able to weather the storm of those first few years.

As such, entering into the world of business ownership with your eyes open – and fully prepared for the road ahead – will offer the best line of defense against the trials and tribulations of growing that initial customer base.

If you are considering opening your own roofing business, you likely already hold many years’ experience in the industry, but here a few more prerequisites for anyone just starting out.

  1. A Website

The days of Yellow Pages and local advertisements have long been superseded by the internet, and without a strong presence within localised searches, you will struggle to gain a foothold within your community. In time, word of mouth recommendations will begin to make a considerable difference to your client base, but, until then, you will need to invest plenty of time into making yourself visible online.

Your website needn’t be fancy at first. Begin with your contact details, and augment it with photographs and case studies – as well as those all-important reviews – in order to demonstrate to prospective clients that you represent a reliable choice for their home or business.

It doesn’t take a great deal or time or tech-savvy to build a website. Until then, you can work on creating a presence on social media, and spreading word of your services via relevant, local pages.

2. Protection from Legal Issues

If there is one thing that will undoubtedly tank any new business – whatever the industry – it is the lack of preparation and knowledge when it comes to insurance. Thankfully, some types of insurance are mandatory no matter your chosen industry, which can make your choices easier. However, it can still be somewhat confusing to cover your startup’s vulnerability to legal matters.

Well, insurance for roofers is no different.  It can include general liability insurance and contractor’s liability insurance, which is crucial when it comes to your line of work. Knowing that you will have adequate coverage against a wide range of potential scenarios will mean that you can focus on getting the job done, without worry.

3. Transport

When work gets going, you may well find that word-of-mouth recommendations reach far and wide, and that you spend a great deal of your time driving from location to location in order to augment your growing customer base. Without reliable transportation that is up to the task of carrying you and your equipment wherever you need to go – and whenever you need it – you will begin to struggle to keep up with your clientele.

A good, trustworthy van will provide a great starting point, and be able to accommodate more equipment as your business grows.

Starting a business and keeping it afloat during its first few years is touted as one of the more difficult things to achieve in business management, but it is nowhere near impossible. With the right mindset, you can get the job done without overextending.

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