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Top 3 steps in a law firm SEO strategy



SEO strategy should be an essential part of every marketing plan for lawyers and law firms. Some 61% of all marketers say that improving their SEO is a top priority. So, what is SEO strategy, and why is it so important for your law firm’s success? Look at the overview of what SEO Strategy is, what it could mean for the future of your law firm, and then consider the top 3 steps to implement an SEO strategy

What is SEO Strategy? 

SEO strategy is the process by which you can optimize and organize your content. The goal of your SEO strategy is to host and share content on your sites that is searchable and reader-friendly, so that it will rank well on Google and other search engines. When you’re considering how to develop and improve upon your SEO strategy, consider:

Off-Page SEO: Also known as backlinks, off-page SEO involves listings and other links to your site. Off-page SEO strategy can support your SEO strategy by helping you rank higher on search engines.

On-Page SEO: Your on-page SEO focuses on improving the content on your site, particularly around keywords. For example, you should focus on developing content that focuses on keywords related to the services you provide to clients at your law firm.

Code Prettification/Review: Your SEO strategy should also focus on how your site would hold up in a code review. Are there lots of broken links? Can your clients find what they are looking for? The structure and code-validity of your site make a difference in your SEO ranking.

Why is SEO Strategy Important for Your Law Firm’s Success? 

SEO strategy is important for your law firm’s success because your ranking in search engines will make a difference in how your prospects and clients see you. Obviously, a higher-ranking means that clients searching for a lawyer in your area will be more likely to see you.

That ranking, and the content that they will find when they follow your link, should help your prospects and clients see that they can trust you and your services. SEO strategy helps you to focus on what’s important. You can see and understand what your prospects and clients are looking for. The goal is to improve your overall user experience. To know more about law firm SEO, click here.

What are 3 Steps in a Law Firm’s SEO Strategy? 

SEO Strategy takes time and research (SEO strategy does have a way of changing over the months and years), but it is worth it! Combined, the steps you can take to improve your ranking and the quality of your content on and off your site will improve your engagement with your clients and bring you more clients. So, here are the nitty-gritty 3 steps to take for SEO Strategy implementation.

  1.  Review your website. If you’ve never considered keywords before, research which keywords you need on our site. Consider the keywords that relate to the services you offer, but also consider where you live and the audience you’d like to target. You might focus on using “Criminal Lawyer” or “Family Lawyer”, but be sure you’re creating or re-creating well-written and compelling content.
  2. Consider your site structure. Are you using all the elements of site architecture to target your audience and let search engines know what your site is all about? You may have noticed a competitor’s site that lacked a page title or other common elements. Review the entire site, with an eye toward making sure that you’ve followed all the best practices for website design.
  3. Consider how you appear on other sites. Off-site SEO is often listed as the 3rd step, because it’s important to focus on your own site and what you can easily control first. If you have the bandwidth in time and staff, you should really jump on your off-site SEO strategy concurrently with the other steps. Those backlinks and off-site profiles are powerful testimonials and proof of your networking abilities. It’s also important to make sure all that off-site content is accurate.

Successful SEO strategy doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time. It might even take trial and error. It’s also a full-time job even in the best of times. If you’ve never dipped your toe into the realm of SEO strategy, this might be the perfect moment to seek out an expert to help.

The Next Step: Consult With an Expert 

While you can prepare and implement an SEO Strategy, consider reaching out to a marketing expert for input. There are no shortcuts for SEO success, but a consultation with a marketing expert could just start you off on the right foot. During the consult, the marketing expert will discuss tips and ideas for how to implement your SEO strategy, with specific suggestions that you can immediately implement to help your law firm succeed. If you have a gaming website, you should view this page about ways to boost it with the Help of SEO.

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