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10 Great Time-Killers To Help You Through Lockdown



With many places around the world reinstating lockdowns or considering doing so due to rising numbers, it’s reasonable to feel bored and antsy. You may be wondering what the best way is to kill time, and we don’t blame you; lockdowns aren’t just detrimental to your mental health, but they can also be terminally dull. Luckily, there are lots of ways to keep yourself entertained while you’re stuck indoors, even if you’re a perpetual social butterfly in your “normal life”. Here are 10 of our favourite time-killing activities for when we’re stuck in lockdown, and don’t worry – there is an end to all this!

1. Walking

If you’re able to leave the house – and, depending on which territory you find yourself in, this may or may not be possible – then getting even a short walk can be a massively effective time-killer. Not only is walking great for killing boredom (you can even take a podcast or some music), but it’s also hugely beneficial for both your physical and mental health. Even if you can’t leave the house, a little exercise indoors will do the world of good, no matter how easygoing it may be.

2. Gaming

Millions upon millions of us are turning to gaming during the coronavirus pandemic in order to seek solace in fantasy worlds. If you’re not the type to immerse yourself in sci-fi or medieval landscapes, why not try a spot of casino gaming over at Casimba casino? You could win real cash prizes for having fun with games like blackjack, poker, and roulette, so if that appeals to you more than traditional console or PC gaming, head over and take a look.

3. Baking or cooking

It’s become a popular meme that so many people have taken up baking during the COVID crisis, but that’s because it’s such an easy, accessible activity. You’ll almost certainly have the materials you need already in your cupboards, and if you don’t, they’re easy to acquire. Baking doesn’t have to be difficult, either; there are plenty of beginner recipes you can tackle even if you have absolutely zero experience in the area. All in all, baking – or cooking if you’re not feeling cakes – is an excellent way to kill time in lockdown.

4. Streaming movies or TV

There’s never been a better time to be a fan of movies and TV. There’s an absolute treasure trove of streaming services out there for you to choose from, and no matter which one you opt for, you’ll be getting high-quality content updated regularly. Some services are better than others depending on your preferences; Amazon Prime is more for movie buffs, while Netflix has a wealth of original content that should satisfy TV lovers for months to come.

5. DIY or renovation

Now’s a great time to take stock of your home and your surroundings and think about whether you could improve them. Just like cooking and baking, there are a wealth of beginner DIY projects – building furniture, repainting walls, remodeling existing furniture, et cetera – that you could embark on if you’re worried about committing to something more serious. Once you feel you’ve amassed enough experience, you can move on to something more difficult or challenging if you like.

6. Something creative

There are lots of options for you to pursue if you’re a creative during lockdown. You could, for example, get started on that long-delayed novel; just because NaNoWriMo is over, doesn’t mean you can’t begin a new project. Alternately, you could use this time to learn an entirely new creative discipline like filmmaking (the limitations of lockdown can be extremely creatively fulfilling), art, or even something a little more niche like sculpture. Whatever you choose, pursuing a creative outlet is always a good idea.

7. Coding

Coding is a super-useful skill to have in the current economy, and it’s only likely to get more useful as time goes on. There are a lot of avenues you could take, and depending on how you learn best, you’ll likely gravitate best towards one type of language than another. Learning to code means you can make your own games, but you can also write your own software, design web pages, and do plenty of other tech-based stuff that will stand you in good stead as technology advances. Check out for your beginner’s guide to coding

8. Socialising

Lockdown absolutely shouldn’t mean you lose touch with your nearest and dearest. Of course, it does relieve some of the pressure you might feel if you’re a chronic introvert, but if you love to socialise, there’s no reason you should stop. Zoom, Skype, and other programs are available to help you talk to people over a long distance, and in many regions, it’s possible to meet up at a distance and go for a walk as long as you’re outdoors. If you can help it, don’t allow yourself to be lonely.

9. Tidying

If you’ve been putting off a huge, significant tidying-up operation, now’s the time to stop putting it off and commit yourself to it. When you have a tidy environment in which to live, your mental health will improve exponentially. Tidying also has the additional benefit of potentially uncovering things that have lain dormant in rooms you haven’t touched for a while, which might well be an alternative source of income for you if you’re struggling for money.

10. Relaxing

However you choose to pass the time during lockdown, it’s important to try and maintain a low level of stress. This could take the form of reading a book, meditating, doing yoga, or simply sitting back and trying to calm your mind down. Once you enter that meditative state, you’d be amazed how much time can pass while you’re simply contemplating life or trying not to think about anything important. Make sure that you set aside as much time as you possibly can to relax, as this is an important and often neglected part of modern life that will contribute massively to improved mental health during lockdown.


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