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Group Sex Should Be on Everyone’s Bucket List



Last year may have been the most miserable year ever. Looking on the bright side, this means that 2021 pretty much has to be an improvement. Hopefully, it’ll be a year when people can start making up for the misery of 2020 and giving themselves a few treats – like group sex. If you’re up for it, or think you might be, here’s what you need to know.

Group sex can be fun and very intense

When you say it, it’s obvious. The reason why group sex is popular is that it’s much more intense than regular sex. As is often the case in life, however, saying it is one thing, believing it is another. You only find out just how fulfilling group sex is once you try it for yourself. Get ready to have your mind blown!

There’s more scope for sexual creativity

As the number of people goes up, so does the number of body parts available to do interesting things with. This means that you can try out positions and techniques which just wouldn’t be possible in a regular twosome. It may take you a little while to work out what this means for you and your partners. That’s fine, everything comes with practice!

You should always stay sensible

First of all, no matter how fed up you are, wait until COVID19 really is gone before you start hooking up with other people. You’ve managed to cope for this long, you can hold out a bit longer. Secondly, follow the usual rules about safe sex. Especially when exploring group sex, it only takes one indavidual in the group to change everyones lives. Keeping safe is much simpler these days with many safe sex options. It’s still always best to use condoms, but if this ideal for you other safer sex options are availble like PrEP. This treatment has the ability to prevent the contraction of HIV and you can buy PrEP online from many pharmacies.

It’s helpful to think about the practical stuff first

It might not be exciting, but thinking about the practical stuff first can save you time, money and hassle later. If you have a regular partner, then the first point to check is whether they’re up for a threesome. Regardless of whether the answer’s yes or no, you’re going to have to make sure that you’re both on the same page about what is and is not OK.

Secondly, think about where you want to meet up for your threesome. The answer to this question is likely to depend on whether you need, or just want, to find a new partner or partners. If you do, then your best options are likely to be a swingers’ party or a hotel. If you don’t, then you could go to someone’s home or have someone round to yours.

The advantage of going to a swingers’ party is that you know when you go there that people will be looking for action. The disadvantage of going to a swingers’ party is that the organizer decides when and where it will be and what the rules are.

By contrast, the advantage of organizing your own meetup is that you’re in charge of the when, the where and the what. The disadvantage is that you have to do the work of finding the people, sorting out the place and time and agreeing what the terms are.

Tips on going to a swingers’ party

Be prepared to answer a lot of questions before you get an invite to a swingers’ party. This really is for your safety and the safety of everyone there. Some swingers’ parties may even insist on seeing documentation such as a negative STD test or at least a negative HIV test.

You might find it more comfortable to go to your first swingers’ party (or any swingers’ party) with someone you know. This doesn’t have to be someone you actually want to have sex with, but they do need to be happy to be there. If you don’t know anyone, ask the organizers if they can hook you up with someone. This could be another newbie or someone more experienced. You also don’t have to bring out all of your kinks for your first time. You don’t need to turn up in a chastity cage the first time or dive straight into BDSM – walk before you run.

Remember that going to a swingers’ party doesn’t commit you to doing everything with everyone. You absolutely have the right to say no, just try to do it nicely.

Tips on organizing your own private meetup

It can often make sense to choose the hotel first, then look for a person or people who can make it to that venue. That saves you from getting really excited about meeting someone who, realistically, isn’t going to travel to where you are.

Alternatively, if you’re happy to be a part of someone else’s plans, make sure that you think about the practicalities of travel. In particular, think about whether or not you’re really prepared to travel a long distance, especially at short notice.

Once you have found someone or some two, make sure that you’re all on the same page about what’s planned. Then double-check again before you actually get down to it!

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