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State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman Highlights Legislative Priorities for 2021



Press Release

Today, ahead of the South Carolina General Assembly’s start of the 2021 legislative session, State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman released the South Carolina Department of Education’s (SCDE) legislative priorities for 2021. The priorities come with recommended actions including those that are part of the agency’s annual budget request submitted in September 2020. The safe and expedient return of students for face to face instruction remains at the forefront of the SCDE’s agenda.

“While our primary focus must remain on the safe return of students for face to face instruction this school year, our state has an opportunity in 2021 to take action on items that will have a profound impact on students, educators, and our system of public instruction for years to come,” said State Superintendent of Education Molly Spearman. “The priorities that we have developed come as a result of speaking with educators about their needs and observing the obstacles our schools have faced during the past year. I look forward to working with the members of the General Assembly to address these challenges head on and ensuring we move South Carolina’s education system in the right direction.”

Below is an overview of the priority areas. The full legislative priorities summary can be accessed here.

1. Ensure the safety and wellness of South Carolina students and educators

After what has been an extraordinary year, protecting the safety and wellness of our educators and students is more important than ever. It is vital all schools have the resources to provide appropriate mental, physical and emotional health support needed for immediate and continued success.

2. Recruit and retain teachers

One positive thing to come out of the COVID-19 pandemic is that South Carolinians have a newfound appreciation for the remarkable job that teachers have when it comes to educating our students. However, the pandemic has also intensified the teacher crisis in our state. Now is the time for state and local leaders to come together for current and future educators by supporting financial incentives, policies and programs that will help secure a strong, high-quality teacher workforce that serves our students for years to come.

3. Guarantee every South Carolina student has access to robust college and career readiness opportunities

Career readiness is crucial to the future successes and quality of life for every South Carolina student – as well as for the economic health of our state. To prepare our workforce of tomorrow, a variety of career and technology education courses need to be readily available, no matter the region. This includes equal access to up-to-date technology and instructional materials, as well as a competency-based education that does not rely heavily on high-stakes testing.

4. Expand early learning and literacy

Research and experience have proven that 4K programs, such as Child Early Reading and Development Education Programs (CERDEP), along with strong parental engagement provide essential foundations needed for kindergarten readiness and continued academic success. To further close the achievement gap and improve literacy in K-12, expansion of full-day 4K across the state, and actively engaging parents with their children’s instructional goals, are imperative.

5. Maximize district efficiency and additional recommendations

Additional priorities designed to maximize district efficiency, reform education funding formulas and support staff at all levels.

To view/download the complete legislative priorities summary, including specific action items, please visit this link.

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