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Dana Sanders Receives CCSD Distinguished Service Award



Press Release

Charleston County School District (CCSD) is pleased to announce that Dana Sanders (right) earned the CCSD Distinguished Service Award (DSA). 

The DSA is the highest honorary award that the Superintendent can give a CCSD employee. The DSA is to be granted only to those employees who have given distinguished and/or extraordinary service to CCSD. The achievements or service must be truly exceptional when measured against the position requirements of the individual, and should far exceed the contributions and service of others with comparable responsibilities.

The honor recognizes Sanders’ for her 30-year career with Charleston County School District (CCSD) from November 1990 to December 2020. Sanders began her career as a secretary in the Chapter I Math Department and currently serves as the Senior Budget Officer in the Budget Department. During her career, Sanders got married and raised two very  successful daughters that attended CCSD schools. She also attended night  school and earned a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree and is currently working on a doctorate.

Sanders has been promoted six times throughout her career and has served six CCSD Superintendents.

“Through 30 years of budget challenges, hiring freezes and furloughs, she has remained committed and loyal to CCSD by always going out of her way to increase her operational knowledge and implement improvement at the next level,” said  CCSD’s Chief Financial Officer, Don Kennedy. “She has provided assistance to countless district leaders to aid them in meeting their financial responsibilities and,  in her current role as Senior Budget Officer, works tirelessly to thoroughly  coordinate and train new district staff and leads the effort to identify ways to  simplify and streamline the budget development process.”

Sanders’ true passion is teaching and mentoring. She developed and taught a  mentoring class at the annual CCSD Classified Symposium where she shared her experience of rising through the ranks and lessons she learned along the way.

“Without a doubt, the hard work and dedication Mrs. Sanders has exhibited over  the course of her career can be seen in every aspect of the Budget Department,”  said Kennedy. “The wealth of knowledge and experience she has brought to her  role as Senior Budget Officer has played a large part in shaping the efficient way the Budget Department operates and the quality of support and training it provides  the central office and schools. Her outstanding work ethic, leadership, and  contribution to CCSD is rare and impressive making her very deserving of the  Distinguished Service Award.”

For more information, contact the Office of Strategy and Communications at (843) 937-6303.

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