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New Study Sheds Light on Barriers Perpetuating Systemic Poverty in South Carolina



By: Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina

A new South Carolina poverty study conducted by the Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina and the Rural & Minority Health Research Center at the University of South Carolina reveals structural barriers that are perpetuating systemic poverty in South Carolina. The new data proves that a person’s racial or ethnic identity, gender and where they are born can present significant barriers to economic self-sufficiency in South Carolina.

The data shows that 80% of the state’s counties are at or above the national average for evictions and that South Carolina is well below the national average when it comes to access to computers and technology.

Sisters of Charity Foundation Director of Policy and Research, Chynna A. Phillips, MSW, MPH joins USC’s Melinda Merrell, PhD, MPH to take a deep dive into the data in a webinar on January 27th from 10 am to 11 am. The public is invited to register by using this link.

Other key finding include South Carolina ranks higher than the national average when it comes to:

  • The number of people living in poverty
  • The amount of money families spend on housing and transportation costs
  • The number of people who are uninsured

South Carolina ranks lower than the national average when it comes to:

  • The number of people who have health insurance
  • The amount of money spent per student on education
  • The number of female and/or minority led businesses

The data in this study is important as policy makers determine next steps necessary to reconfigure or perhaps even dismantle the current system and start removing barriers to prosperity in the Palmetto State. The data is also useful for the hundreds of nonprofit service providers and state agencies serving families and individuals experiencing poverty.

About Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina

Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina is a ministry of the Sisters of Charity Health System, founded in 1996. Their mission is to address the needs of families and individuals experiencing poverty throughout the state of South Carolina. Through the strategic use of resources they seek to reduce poverty through action, advocacy and leadership.

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