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Join Your Local Library to Virtually Read Across America March 1-5



Charleston County Public Library (CCPL) is joining the nation in celebrating the National Education Association’s (NEA) 23rd annual Read Across America event. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, activities are virtual this year through CCPL’s Facebook page

Read Across America celebrates the joy of reading. CCPL is expanding the program this year with five days of read-alouds and activities. The 2021 NEA Read Across America theme is “Cultivating Compassion.”

Books used in library programs will feature diverse stories to help children take a walk in someone else’s shoes. NEA hopes these stories will provide a point of access of understanding other people’s lives and inspire children to put compassion into action.

During Read Across America, CCPL invited staff, local authors, and public figures to join the fun and share their favorite children’s books as guest readers. Check out the schedule of CCPL events listed below.

  • Monday, March 1st at 10 am: CCPL’s Executive Director Angela Craig reads “Love” by Matt de la Peña.
  • Tuesday, March 2nd at 10 am: WCSC Anchor/Reporter Raphael James reads “I Am Every Good Thing” by Derrick Barnes.
  • Wednesday, March 3rd at 10 am: Stono Park Elementary Principal Kimberly Richards reads “All Are Welcome” by Alexandra Penfold.
  • Thursday, March 4th at 10 am: Author Chris Singleton reads his children’s book “Different: A Story About Loving Your Neighbor”.
  • Friday, March 5th at 10 am: CCPL Youth Manager Abbey Adams guides participants through mindful breathing exercises and reads “Here and Now” by Julia Denos.
For more information about NEA’s Read Across America, visit, and check out to learn about other reading celebrations taking place from coast to coast.

The National Education Association is the nation’s largest professional employee organization, representing 3.2 million elementary and secondary teachers, college faculty, school administrators, education support professionals, retired educators and students preparing to become teachers.

CCPL encourages patrons to share their Read Across America experience by using #RAAchs on social media. Follow CCPL on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram by searching for ChasCoLibrary within those platforms.
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