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Ways to Make the Perfect Espresso Shot at Home



It’s no secret that so many of us love and depend on coffee to raise our moods and get our engines running. Whether you are a coffeeholic or you just take coffee once in a while for the love of the taste, one thing is true: the fancy electric machines that baristas use to make your favorite espresso are not an easy acquisition.

It’s no wonder that the majority of coffee lovers still prefer to head to their favorite coffee shop to enjoy a sip of rich taste. But what if someone told you that you don’t have to acquire an expensive espresso machine to make your favorite shots from home

What if someone said to you that all you need to make a perfect espresso shot from home is a high-quality coffee grinder, a French press, scale, kettle, and some freshly roasted espresso beans by MyFriendsCoffee? Would you believe it? Even if it won’t be like the perfect espresso that you are used to, you still can make amazing espresso-style coffee from the comfort of your home without breaking the bank.

What are the different ways of making espresso without a machine?

Now that you know that it is possible to make the perfect espresso shot without owning a machine, let’s get into the details of the different methods that you can use. There are four main methods that you can use to make the perfect espresso shot from home.

These four methods are:

  • Using a manual machine 
  • With a Moka pot
  • Using an AeroPress
  • With a French press

Making espresso with a manual machine

This here, may not be the most enjoyable way to make your espresso, but it indeed is the best for making great shots without an automatic machine. You will need the following:

  • A high-quality coffee grinder
  • A manual espresso machine
  • Premium roasted coffee beans
  • Measuring scale (a teaspoon would do as well)


  1. Measure two or three cups of water and add them to the reservoir of the machine.


  1. Leave the water to heat for five to six minutes and as you wait, grind your coffee and ensure that the particles are as fine as they can get


  1. Measure about five teaspoons (0.71 ounces or 20 grams) of the ground coffee, add it to the portafilter, and tamp it lightly


  1. To compact the coffee a little more, tap the portafilter on a firm surface such as the counter and tamp one more time


  1. With the coffee compressed enough to get rid of the spaces, attach the portafilter onto the machine’s brew head


  1. Wait for approximately 10 seconds before slowly but steadily lowering the lever


  1. Make sure to start with low pressure, and then increase it gradually but consistently


  1. Pour your espresso into pre-warmed cups and enjoy!

When using this method, it’s good to keep in mind that it’s not meant for the novice. The least it takes is a few rounds to discover the technique that works best to produce high-quality coffee. If, however, you would like to try it, by all means, go ahead. You may make a few mistakes when starting but you’ll surely get the hang of it with a few tries.

Using a Moka pot to make espresso

The Moka pot was sure not engineered as an espresso maker, but the way it has been engineered makes it perfect for the job. It uses water pressure to get the job done, and you’ll surely love the taste of the espresso shot that you make using this gadget.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Coffee grinder (high-quality)
  • Moka pot
  • Premium quality darker roasted coffee beans
  • A teaspoon or measuring scale
  • Small spoon (stirring)


  1. Grind enough coffee to produce 4-5½ teaspoons (0.71-0.78 ounces) or (20-22 grams) of coffee. Just like with every other method, you’ll want to grind your coffee to a super-fine texture


  1. Add just enough water to the reservoir of the Moka pot, so that the water level reaches the fill line. Avoid adding too much water.


  1. Pour the coffee into the pot’s filter basket


  1. Attach the spouted top of your Moka pot


  1. Once your pot is fully assembled, place it over a stovetop burner that is set to medium heat


  1. As the coffee prepares, you should get a hissing sound


  1. Just before the coffee is done, you should see a hazel brown foam


  1. Remove the pot from the burner once the top part is filled with coffee


  1. Stir the coffee in the upper chamber a little bit before serving

Just like the manual machine method, you may need to brew a few pots to get the taste right. If you have to adjust any parameters, go for one at a time, such as reducing the amount of coffee, or heating time.

Making espresso with an AeroPress

One of the winning points of AeroPress is the ability to make a double shot of espresso. Of course, cutting the amounts of water and coffee in half leaves you with a single shot.

You will need:

  • Premium quality roasted coffee beans
  • Scale or teaspoon
  • Gooseneck or stovetop kettle
  • High-quality coffee grinder
  • AeroPress


  1. Heat a cup of water (234ml or 8 ounces) to 85°C (185°F). The ideal brewing temperature for coffee should be about 96°C (205°F). When using an AeroPress, you may have to experiment with temperatures from 85°C to 96°C to get the ideal range.


  1. Grind the beans to produce about 7 teaspoons (28.3 grams) of fine texture coffee powder.


  1. Place a filter in the drain cap of the AeroPress and use hot water to rinse it


  1. Place the drain cap on your AeroPress and sit it directly onto a sturdy mug or tumbler (a strong mug will handle the pressure better)


  1. Next, pour the ground coffee into the AeroPress, and tamp it down to make sure that it sits nice and tight


  1. Measure about half a cup (120ml) of the heated water, and pour it into your AeroPress before giving it a quick stir


  1. About 30 seconds after stirring, start plunging with just your hand’s weight. You more than likely will encounter strong resistance, but keep pushing. After the plunger has depressed fully, lift the press from the cup.


  1. Pour your lovely espresso into your drinking cup and savor each sip!

Just like with the other methods discussed above, you may have to prepare one or more cups to get to the taste that’s perfect for you.

Using a French press to make an espresso shot from home

The majority of coffee lovers are more than likely to have a French press in their kitchen. If you are one of them, you can use it to make amazing espresso drinks. Even though the French press seems to be more of a “big grind” brewer, all you have to do is tweak it a little bit and use specific techniques to make the perfect espresso.

Here’s what you’ll need:

  • High-quality coffee grinder
  • Roasted coffee beans of premium quality
  • French press
  • Measuring scale or teaspoon
  • Stovetop or gooseneck kettle


  1. Grind your beans to a super fine texture, knowing that you will need about 7 teaspoons (28.3 grams) of coffee for every cup of water.


  1. Use your kettle to bring the water to a boil, before leaving it to sit for about 30 seconds


  1. Measure your coffee depending on the amount of water that you plan to use, and add it to the French press


  1. Splash a little bit of the water in the kettle into the French press and allow it to sit for a couple of seconds


  1. Add the rest of the water, and avoid stirring it, lest you make the coffee fall out of suspension which can ruin the extraction process


  1. Close the lid and let the French press sit for about four minutes – you can wait up to two minutes longer for a stronger taste


  1. Once the time has elapsed, start plunging with slow steady pressure. Once halfway, raise the plunger to the top and then plunge till you get to the bottom to complete the press


  1. After completing the press, transfer your coffee to a serving pot, to preserve the flavor


  1. Go ahead and serve the “French press-o”

Summing up, 

With the information in this article, you now know that you don’t have to get a loan or even worse to acquire state-of-the-art coffee-brewing machinery just to make a good shot of espresso from home. You can do it with a few affordable gadgets and a little bit of effort and time.

The good thing about the different methods discussed in this article is that they don’t require that you have an exceptional skill level. You may make a few blunders for the first few attempts, but once you get the hang of it, you will be able to make amazing coffee – amazing enough to impress your local skilled barista.

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