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10 Most Interesting Facts About Football



Football unites the world. It’s true! It is a popular sport globally, and people of all ethnicities come together to watch it. You can become one of them by watching football videos on Buaksib.

If football is your beloved sport or if you are just a curious little button, this article is for you.

Let’s freekick into the world of soccer or football to check out the most interesting facts about football.

  1. The invention of football: Let’s go back in time to see how this magnificent sport came into play. The earliest records suggest that Chinese soldiers played a game similar to soccer in the Han Dynasty. It was a training exercise for them. They were only allowed to use their feet to guide the ball. To strengthen them, the bamboo goal post was placed 30 feet above the ground. They had to kick the ball into it. Imagine a 30 feet goalpost in FIFA today. Unreal.
  2. Fastest Goals: We all know football is a strenuous team sport. An interesting fact is when the fastest goal was made in the history of football, or in any other game for that matter. Nawaf Al-Abed scored a goal for his team in just 2.4 seconds after the match had begun.
  3. Material of the ball: In ancient times, the balls were made out of leather and sometimes even pig bladder. Today, the balls are made of synthetic leather on the outside. The insides are made of butyl or latex.
  4. Popularity: Interesting to know, football is the most popular sport in the whole wide world. Most people on this planet resonate with this sport the most. Imagine the whole world uniting to enjoy this wonderful sport. It is truly a magical feeling.
  5. Panels: The traditional soccer ball is covered with pentagonal and hexagonal-shaped panels. There is a total of 32 panels on the ball. The significance of 32 panels is more scientifically inclined. It is based on aerodynamic physics. However, some sources also suggest that they denote 32 European countries.
  6. Soccer Vs Football: America likes to call this sport soccer as they don’t want it to be confused with American football. The rest of the world refers to this sport as football.
  7. Stadiums: The largest football stadium globally is the Rungrado 1st of May Stadium, located in North Korea. It has a total seating capacity of 114 thousand audience members.
  8. Size: 115 by 70 yards are the standard measurements for a football field. However, the FIFA field is 120 by 75 yards.
  9. Tournaments: The two most popular championships in soccer are FIFA and UEFA.
    • FIFA: The FIFA is the world cup championship that takes place every four years. All major country teams participate in this event.
    • UEFA: This is a special tournament where only the European Nations participate. It is called the European Championship.

10. Football Clubs: Apart from yearly championships, there are champion league tournaments conducted amongst many football clubs. Some of the most popular clubs (in no specific order) are as follows:

      • Barcelona
      • Liverpool
      • Arsenal
      • Chelsea
      • Real Madrid
      • Manchester United

How many of them did you already know?

Football is a sport for the elite. But, it could be fun to think, and it’s their sweat that makes the grass grow.

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