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3 tips to help you game without killing your back



With Esports gradually developing into a lifestyle, it is easy to get carried away in the game. From endless COD tournaments to multiple FIFA competitions, to unending Fortnite saga and don’t even get started on the likes of Assassin Creed and God of War.

When the game gets tough, you know what else gets tougher? Keeping the pain out of your back. These games involve sitting for longer than is good for the body and this can pose a major issue such as lower back pain.

As flimsy as this may sound, it can develop into a more serious injury if ignored for too long. Well, the good news is, if you are just starting as a gamer, there are ways to avoid this; and if you are already caught up in the game, there are also ways to improve on it.

  • Getting your posture in shape: A bad posture ranks highest amongst other causes of lower back pain. Slouching, edging on your seat, or hunching over to play puts a considerable amount of strain on your body. So, sitting upright and keeping your feet planted on the floor keeps your spine up and reduces this strain.
  • Investing in great gaming furniture: Getting comfortable on your seat is key to having the best gaming experience. This will not only go easy on your butt, but it will also help you with your sitting posture. In the heat of the game, it may be difficult to take note of this and that is why it is in your best interest to invest in your gaming setup. Getting appropriate furniture, especially adjustable chairs with comfy seats, can help you keep your head and feet in the proper position. You can check out good gaming chair brands, they come at different sizes and prices to help you on this journey.
  • Take Breaks: While it is important to pay attention to your posture, you should also remember to take breaks. Of course, it is obvious that you can not just go MIA/AFK in the middle of a heated Battle Royale or your clan Scrims, but it is advisable to take at least a five to ten minutes break after each round. This break may be taking a walk, grabbing a quick lunch or dinner, cleaning out the trash from your room, or even coming out of your game space to interact with friends and family in person; anything physical to get you up on your feet. The movements will warm up your muscles and keep your joints alive. This does not just help with your back, it is also good for your eyes. Giving your eyes some rest from all that screen time is healthy.

Final Thoughts

Unfortunately, for some gamers, it is probably too late to keep to these tips as you already have these gaming-related injuries. What you can do is focus on recovering gradually while engaging in stretching exercises. Exercises such as Pilates or yoga can improve flexibility and long muscle strength, which allows you to steadily maintain a better posture. You could look them up online or get a physiotherapist.

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